Monday, February 28, 2011

February – The Comeback Month

My objective for February was to run 90 miles and I'm happy to say that I achieved that milestone – logging 95.4 miles. That's up from 75.5 miles in January and 12.3 miles in December. I am definitely ready for the First Watch Half-Marathon in Sarasota on March 13! During February, I ran at least 4 days a week, averaging 4.5 miles per run. Plus, I logged 2 long runs (10.3 and 10.6 miles) and 6.7 miles of intervals. I have 1 more long run coming up this weekend and then will taper off before the big event on March 13.

My PR for a half-marathon is 1:59:23 but at this point, I will be happy to come in around 2:10:00. Not too bad after my 2 foot surgeries and not being able to run for 4 months.

I am feeling prepared for this race and plan to savor the sites and enjoy the excitement of the other runners and spectators along the course. I can't believe the last race I ran was in June 2010. This is going to be the highlight of the winter of 2011 for me!

Happy Running Everyone!


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ready for Sarasota

The First Watch Sarasota Half-Marathon is 3 weeks from today and I am ready! I was side-lined from running for about a week following my sinus surgery but hit the treadmill this weekend at the gym. Yesterday, I knocked out 5.5 miles at an easy run pace and today I worked on intervals for 1 ½ hours and covered 6.7 miles. Boy, was I exhausted this afternoon – took a nice recovery nap and feel great right now!

I need to get in at least one round of hill repeats this week – that is one component of my training that I haven't attempted yet so I'll feel more prepared mentally for the run across the bridge in Sarasota that is the most challenging part of the course.

Staying focused on good nutrition, hydration, and rest leading up to the run on March 13 – it's coming up quickly.

Happy Trails Folks!


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Recovering Again…

Well, I'm back in recovery mode – had minor sinus surgery last Thursday and I'm not supposed to run for 2 weeks. But, I did manage to get to the gym today and I logged 4.3 miles walking on the treadmill at a 3.2 pace. It felt good to have my feet moving again. I'm still very confident that I'll be able to run the Sarasota Half-Marathon on March 13. I'll continue some walking and bicycling at the gym for the next week and a half and then start logging some running miles before the race. Based on what I've gone through physically and medically over the past 6 months, I am not targeting a new PR for this race although I would still like to finish it in less than 2 hours.

So, my focus for the next 2 weeks is to fully recover from my sinus surgery while maintaining some light exercise on the treadmill or bicycle at the gym.

Happy trails everyone!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What is 'Periodization' and Can It Help You With Your Training Plan?

Learn how to compartmentalize your training program into 3 phases: (1) Base; (2) Preparation and (3) Peak and read some recommendations on how to include endurance, speed work, and strength training in each of these phases.

"Periodization helps you reach a higher level of performance," says George Dallam, a professor of exercise science at Colorado State University-Pueblo and an elite triathlon coach. "It encourages you to plan your running. You're always more successful when you plan."

Your 3-Part Training Plan

Monday, February 7, 2011

10 Mile Long Run

On Saturday, I logged my longest run on the treadmill so far - 10.3 miles! I have to admit that the last 2 miles were a bit of a struggle but I am sure glad I stuck with it. I have now progressively increased my long runs by at least 1 mile over the last 3 weeks. So, I am really pleased with my recovery process and feel like I'll be ready for the Sarasota Half-Marathon in March.

Yesterday (Sunday) was a well deserved rest day so I treated myself to a massage. My calves were really 'screaming' but they are feeling much better today.

Today, I got back to the gym and logged 4.8 miles on the treadmill at an easy 4.8 mph pace. I plan on doing a similar run tomorrow and probably rest on Wednesday.

Having some minor sinus surgery on Thursday and I'm not supposed to run for 2 weeks following surgery. We'll see how that goes...