Saturday, May 28, 2011

Doylestown Red, White and Blue 5K in 26:18:94

It was a warm and humid morning for the 2011 Doylestown Red, White and Blue 5K race but a light breeze helped compensate for the less than ideal running conditions. I managed to finish with my 2nd best time for a 5K race this season (I've run 5 so far), but I still wasn't able to place in the top 10 for my age group (55-59). Although I only missed the top 10 by 1 placement, the runner ahead of me still ran a full minute faster than me. I'm just not fast enough to catch up to these guys!

Doylestown Red, White and Blue 5K Race Results

There is one more race to run in the Bucks 5K series and that is the Chalfont Challenge 5K which will be on Saturday, June 11th. In the meantime, I will be preparing this week to run a 10K next weekend (Sunday, June 5th) in Princeton, NJ. I've only run one 10K before and that was nearly 2 years ago so I need figure out my pacing. I'm afraid I'll start out too fast and crash during the last 2 miles – don't want that to happen.

Happy Trails Folks!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Strawberry-Orange Muffins

Muffins are a great choice for a quick breakfast, mid-morning, or afternoon snack. I have a collection of muffin recipes that I use as standbys that I can prepare and freeze so I can pack them in my 'grazing' bag when I head off to work. This recipe from features a Strawberry Orange Muffin that comes in at 203 calories per serving (1 muffin). This would also be a great choice for a post-run snack with a nutritional profile of 28g of carbohydrates and 4g of protein.

Strawberry-Orange Muffins

If you're a lover of strawberries, give this recipe a try and let me know what you think!


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Racing for the Next 3 Weekends

It must be the peak of running season as I have races scheduled over the next 3 weekends. Next week, I'll be kicking off the Memorial Day weekend by running the Doylestown Red, White and Blue 5K on Sunday, May 28 in Doylestown, PA. This has become somewhat of an annual event for me over the past couple of years. My birthday is on the 26th of May so it generally coincides with Memorial Day and I have been making it my birthday tradition to run a 5K. Then, on June 11, I am running the Princeton Healthcare 10K in Princeton, NJ. The 10K race is one that I am not too familiar with – I've only run one 10K before and that was nearly 2 years ago. I thought it would be a good distance to include in my racing as part of my marathon training program. And then finally, on June 11, I'll be running the Chalfont Challenge 5K in my home town, Chalfont, PA! The Chalfont Challenge is the last race in the Bucks County 5K Series and I will have run 6 of the 7 races in the series this year.

Let's hope for some nicer weather back here in Pennsylvania for the next couple of weeks. It has been wet, dreary and downright miserable!

Happy Trails,


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ab Exercises for Running

Ab Exercises for Running -

I think I just found the right motivation to get back to adding Abdominal Exercises to my training routines: Stronger Abs for Faster Running!

Sounds like a new exercise mantra for me!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Power Breakfast Ideas

I am a firm believer that breakfast is indeed one of the most important meals of the day. Based on everything I've read and researched, it's important to start stoking that fire early in the morning to get your metabolism going. However, every now and then, I get into a breakfast slump as I am admittedly a creature of habit. After eating oatmeal and raisins for nearly every morning for 2 years, I've recently settled on a routine where I combine yogurt (fat free), flaxseed, and a banana. If I want to take a walk on the 'wild side', I'll add raisins or craisins.

Well, I think it's time to mix it up again and I came across these 2 interesting recipes that I'm going to give a try. Cream of Wheat was one of my all time favorite morning cereals when as I was kid and Rice Pudding was always a favorite for dessert in my family. What? Dessert for breakfast? I'm in!!

If you are looking for something different to get your day started, give these ideas a try and let me know what you think:

Cream of Wheat with Maple, Walnuts and Cranberries

Coconut Rice Pudding with Raspberries

Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Good Day for Cross Training

After my 6.52 mile long run yesterday, I decided to do some cross training on the bicycle at the gym today. I logged 16.42 miles in 1 hour and 5 minutes. I took a more aggressive approach today with riding for a longer period at a higher level of resistance. I started at Level 5 and worked my way up to Level 12 in 5 minute increments. And then I stayed at Level 12 for the last 20 minutes of cycling. I worked up quite a sweat and felt pretty good at the end of the session.

I still want to add the elliptical machine to my cross training circuit. But, I'm not all that comfortable on the elliptical – I guess I just need to bite the bullet and spend some time and get more comfortable with the movement. I always feel like I'm falling forward when I've tried it in the past.

After several back to back weekends of running races, it seems strange to not be pinning a bib on my shirt and heading out the door to an event this weekend. Just as well as the weather is not cooperating – more rain is forecasted for this afternoon.

Next race is the Doylestown Red, White and Blue 5K on Saturday, May 28th!

Happy Running Folks,

Friday, May 13, 2011

Running Camp Bound

Today I registered for a running camp in Craftsbury, Vermont for a week in July. The camp is designed for runners of all levels to help them prepare for running a marathon. I am so excited! I've read about this camp a couple of months ago and today I finally decided to take the plunge. This is all part of my preparation and commitment to run my first full marathon – I am targeting the Philadelphia Marathon in November.

Craftsbury Outdoor Center

The camp covers all aspects of training that includes workouts, form, long run strategies, nutrition, core strength and more! The coaches lead sessions that include track and hill workouts, as well as tempo and fartlek runs.

I am really looking forward to spending some time surrounded by the beauty of Vermont in the middle of July to hone in on my marathon training skills.

Vermont, here I come!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Why Do I Run?

Why Run? |

When I think back 2 ½ years ago, I started to run as part of my physical transformation. As a child and young adult, I was always lean and slender and never had to worry about my weight. Then, as I progressed through my 40's and eventually into my 50's, I started to pack on the pounds to the point that I was at least 40 pounds overweight. How could that happen?

I think my final 'A-Ha' moment was when a friend was looking at vacation pictures and pointed to a moon-faced, overweight guy who looked 'fat and happy' at the beach and asked "Who is that?" I had to admit that it, in fact, was me! What an embarrassing moment.

I was never athletic and was terribly intimidated by the idea of going to the gym to 'work out'. So, I committed to working with a personal trainer who was a godsend and taught me all the fundamentals of proper exercise and training. After I shed 30 pounds, I started to realize how much I enjoyed running and I've become a running enthusiast and have managed to take off an additional 10 pounds.

I came across this article on-line entitled, "Why Run" on the site. Here is a quote that clearly resonated with me and maybe it will resonate with you, too:

Running is a sport of discipline, sometimes of sacrifice, and always self-reliance. You may surprise yourself with your capacity for all three.

So, why do YOU run?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Racing for the Cure

Today, Philadelphians who were 'Racing for the Cure' for Breast Cancer were treated to spectacular weather and an event that was packed with local celebrities and many people who have been impacted by this devastating disease. Overall, there were approximately 30,000 participants who either ran or walked the 5K course through one of the most beautiful parts of Philadelphia – the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, City Hall, and the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

There were 1,845 finishers in the 5K race, and overall, I placed 259 with a finish time of 27:19. Not my best performance but it was the 2nd 5K race I ran in as many days. Yesterday, I achieved my best time so far this year by finishing the Cornerstone 5K race in 25:55.

It will be a few more weeks before I race again. The Doylestown Red, White and Blue 5K Race will be on Saturday, May 28

Saturday, May 7, 2011

One Down, One More (5K Race) to Go This Weekend

Cornerstone 5K Race Results

It was an absolutely beautiful morning for a race here in Warrington, Pennsylvania. Sunny skies, a light breeze, and several hundred running peeps showed up for the Cornerstone 5K Race. Although I am still running slower than last year, I achieved my best race time this year for a 5K race, finishing in 25:55:87.

I will be running 2 of the remaining 3 races in the 2011 Bucks 5K series later this month and June. After that, I'll get serious about training for my first full marathon which I am planning to do in Philadelphia in November.

Happy Running Folks!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Am I Crazy? Two 5K Races in the Same Weekend?

Tomorrow is the 4th race in the Bucks 5K series this year (Cornerstone 5K in Warrington, Pennsylvania) which I had not planned to run since I am registered for the Susan Komen 5K Race for the Cure in Philadelphia on Sunday. However, driving to work this morning I was appreciating what a beautiful day it was and I heard the forecast for the weekend weather so I started thinking, "Should I run the Cornerstone 5K on Saturday AND the Race for the Cure 5K on Sunday? Well, that's what I'm planning to do at the moment. I had 2 rest days following my 10-Mile race last weekend and I followed up with 2 runs this weekend, between 4.7 and 4.8 miles each and I'm feeling pretty good. I think I definitely have the Running Fever this spring. Let's see how I do this weekend!

Happy Running Everyone!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Yoga for Athletes

I've been thinking about taking up yoga for several months now but still haven't done anything about it. Last weekend, one of my nieces was telling me how yoga has helped her address her hip problems and because of it she has returned to running!

In this interesting article from, learn how it's all about finding the 'right fit' when it comes to a yoga style and instructor. It may take you several tries before you find the style and instructor that meet your needs.

Which will it be? Hatham, Ashtanga, Power, Iyengar or Bikram?

Read more.....

How to Become a Yogi

Monday, May 2, 2011

Medals Return to the 2011 Broad Street Run

There's something really special about receiving a medal at the end of a long race. It may sound silly but it makes me feel complete. It gives me a token to hold onto to celebrate and recognize my accomplishment.

This year's medal for the Broad Street Run finishers is a real eye-catcher. A figure of Philadelphia City Hall is prominently displayed with "10 Miler" in the backgroud.

Thank you to the organizers of the 2011 Blue Cross Broad Street Run for providing medals to all of the finishers. And, Congratulations to all the runners!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

New PR for 10-Mile Race

What a beautiful day for a race here in Philadelphia. Skies were sunny to partly cloudy and the temperature was just about 56 degrees at the start of the race. There were 30,000 registered runners today and the event seemed to go flawlessly.

I managed to shave off 3 seconds from my run time last year so therefore, I have a new PR of 1:35:54 for a 10-mile race! I am very pleased with my performance today. I've been able to consistently reduce the gap in my race times from last year and that makes me feel great.

Next up is the 5K Race for the Cure in Philadelphia next Sunday, May 8.

It's spring so it must be time for running!

Happy Trails Everyone,