Sunday, September 30, 2012

10 Mile Long Run in Rock Hall

While I was visiting family in Rock Hall, MD this weekend, I took advantage of the perfectly flat terrain and ran a 10-mile long run down to Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge. This was my first long run since running the Rock 'n' Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon on September 16 so I was very anxious to get out on the road again and log double digits! All went very well. It was a beautiful morning, clear skies with a temperature around 64 and my foot managed just fine.

It is hard for me to believe that 4 weeks from tonight I will have another marathon under my belt - the Marine Corps Marathon is on Sunday, October 28. I will be working on my confidence over the next couple of weeks. Technically, tomorrow begins week 13 of my 16 week marathon training program and it is the last week of the speed training phase of my program. I will be modifying the program as I don't want to risk any additional injuries so I will be sticking to easy runs this week to make sure I log the distance.

Next Sunday I will be running the LBI 18-Mile Run in Long Beach Island, NJ. That is another perfectly flat course so that will be my next to last long run before the marathon. Tapering will beging immediately after that race.

Safe Running and Training Folks!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

10.5 Miles in 2 Days

Coming back from recovery requires patience and prudence. In other words, listen to your body and don't do anything stupid!

After being on the sidelines for 11 days, I resumed running on Thursdsy and Friday this week. I stuck to the treadmill and ran 5.25 miles each day at an easy pace. Day 1 went without a hitch but yesterday was more of a challenge. My left foot was sore and tender for the better part of yesterday so I was icing it again last night. Today will be a cross training day on the stationary bike and I will attempt my first outdoor run tomorrow while I am visiting family in Rock Hall, MD. (It's nice and flat there so I am targeting another 5 miler at an easy pace.)

I am registered for an 18-Mile run in Long Beach Island, NJ next weekend on October 7. I absolutely have to get another long run in at this distance prior to my Marine Corps Marathon adventure on October 28. I ran LBI last year under grueling conditions (85 degree temps) and it was once of my most miserable running experiences so I am looking forward to more favorable conditions this year.

Whenever I get frustrated I remind myself that I've been through much worse than this. Two years ago at this very time I was in the midst of recovering from a ruptured tendon in my right foot (non-running related injury!) that required 2 surgeries, 8 weeks of non-weight bearing rest and many months of Physical Therapy.

So ... Yes, I will recover from this current 'bump in the road'.

Safe Running Folks,

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Back in the Saddle

My recovery from a badly bruised foot is slowing and systematically proceeding in the right direction. Yesterday I had an appointment with the Orthopeic doctor and he ruled out any type of fracture (with x-rays) so I have clearance to resume running.

It has been 11 days since I ran - I've stuck to cross training on the stationary bike and I have respected my rest days. I have to admit that I am apprehensive but excited at the same time. I'll stick to a more controlled environment by running on the treadmill this morning. My objective is to run at least 4 miles at an easy pace today. I'll see where that leads me.

The Marine Corps Marathon is just 4 1/2 weeks away. I should be at the peak of my training program at this point leading up to my final 3 week taper. I am going to have to make some creative adjustments to my program but I want to see how this morning goes before I get too crazy!

Safe Running Folks!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Cautiously Optimistic

This evening I am being cautiously optimistic that I may have turned the corner in my recovery from last week. It was 1 week ago today when I ran the Rock 'n' Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon and injured my foot. All week long I was working under the assumption that I badly bruised the bottom of my left foot as a result of (unknowingly) having a small piece of gravel in my running shoe. However, yesterday I was at the point where I was beginning to think there was something more serious going on as I wasn't feeling much better. However, knock on wood, I woke up today feeling much better and here it is early evening and although the foot feels slightly sore and is still tender, I am able to walk on it without any discomfort which is a big improvement!

I realize it is one day at a time and I am not ruling anything out until I see the doctor on Wednesday so I am planning to stay away from running for a few more days - I'll continue to do my time on the stationary bike at the fitness center. Yesterday was a compelte rest day for me but I did get back to my routine and biked 18 miles in 1 hour early this morning. And what a sweat I break out on that bike - it does feel like a good workout although I'd much rather be hitting the road again with my running shoes.

Keeping my fingers crossed that I will feel even better tomorrow!

Safe Training Folks,

Saturday, September 22, 2012


I was hoping to be much further along with my recovery at this point but the fact of the matter is my left foot is still sore snd tender. The bruising has disappeared but I still have discomfort whenever I put weight on it. Yes, I do have an appointment with my Orthopedic doctor next Wednesday - I finally realized yesterday that this may be something more than a bad bruising.

The convenience of having internet access at my fingertips on my iPad while I am still in bed this Saturday morning got me doing some reading and my slightly hypochondriac nature is telling me that I may have a stress fracture. The area is sore, tender to the touch, was initially bruised, and remains painful when I put weight on it. These are all classic symptoms of a stress fracture and the ankle is one of the more common sites for a stress fracture in runners.

Not that I am jumping to conclusions - but I am trying to prepare myself mentally for what this would mean. I am not going to 'go there' in writing at this point because I have put so much into my training this summer. And ironically, today is the first day of fall. The cooler temperatures are here and oh how much I would like to be lacing up my shoes this morning for my 18-20 mile long run that I had planned.

So, my plan for this weekend is to get as much rest as possible. If I get to the gym at all it will be for strength training only. Although I think cross training on the stationary bike would be ok, I want to see how I feel after a couple days of rest.

Grin and bear it is my slogan for the day. I've been through much worse than this - that's for sure.

Peace my friends and safe training!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Cross Training This Week

'Plan B' is being executed this week as my left foot is still healing from my running event last Sunday (bruised foot due to friction caused by small stone in running shoe)! The bruising is healing and the foot is still tender but I am noticing improvement. So, there isn't any way I can subject my foot to running this week.

This is where 'Plan B' comes into play - stay active with cross training. Yesterday I went to the gym and knocked out 16 miles on the stationary bike (1 hour) and I am planning to do the same thing this morning along with some upper body weight training.

Staying positive and keeping active will get me through this rough patch - I know there is full recovery on the other side of this little speed bump!

Safe Training Folks,

Monday, September 17, 2012

Half Marathon Summary

I thought it would be interesting to do a side-by-side comparison of my recent half marathon results. Interestingly enough, I've seen good progress with improving my pace resulting in better finish times. And, on the opposite ends of these events (Chicago and Philadelphia), I had 'extenuating' circumstances impacting my performance. Chicago was HOT and I was in PAIN in Philadelphia! Finishing in the top third overall and within my age group makes me feel good. I know I'll never be in the top 20% but if I can chip away and get loser to the top 25% now that would be an amazing accomplishment!

It is pouring rain at the moment and although my left foot is still sore from my race in Philly on Sunday, I am planning to head out to the gym after I have another cup of my Morning Joe to do some cross training on the bicycle and some strength training.

Marathon training is moving forward!

Rolled Through Philly in 1:57:42

The Rock 'n' Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon could not have asked for a more beautiful day yesterday. A gorgeous late summer day with temps in the 60's and low humidity - very sweet!.

My finish time of 1:57:42 was a PR for this course (this was my 3rd year running this half marathon) but not an overall PR.

I have to say that I was well on my way to achieving a new PR and was on target to finish around 1:52. However, at or around mile 8, I started to feel pain on the bottom of my left foot. I did my best to focus my thoughts and energy on my form and my time but by mile 11 the pain was all I could think about. In all honesty, I am really not sure how I crossed that finish line.

At the time, I was convinced that I developed plantar fasciitis. However, when I changed out of my running shoes into my sandals after the race, I noticed a small piece of gravel was in my left shoe - Aha!! How could I have not noticed? I didn't even feel it but it was big enough to cause a point of irritation for each foot strike.

Several hours later after I started to ice my foot, it became clear that the tiny piece of gravel was indeed the culprit. I noticed 3 distinct reddish areas on the bottom of my foot that represented strike points. That little bugger was moving around and causing so much grief for my foot. By last night, the bottom of my foot looked bruised and this morning it looks cherry red and it is still very sore. I think it will be several days before I lace up again for running. Today is my rest day so I am thinking that I will resort to bicycling when I head back to the gym tomorrow.

Lesson learned - when pain begins at a strike point - consider stopping to see if there is anything in your shoe. No kidding. That could have been gotten me a new PR and saved me a lot of grief!

Marching forward with my training (although this week may have some modifications) for the Marine Corps Marathon on October 28!

Happy Trails Folks!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Rockin' and Rollin' in Philly

Final preparations tonight for the Rock 'n Roll Philadelphia half marathon tomorrow morning! This will be my 4th half marathon in as many months and it will be my last half marathon before the Marine Corps Marathon at the end of Ocober. The weather is forecasted to be an absolutely beautiful day to run 13.1 miles. Temps will be around 60 degrees at 8:00am - race time!

Feeling good - I had a few strong runs this week so I am feeling prepared. I did not include intervals in my training this week as I figured my racing on Sunday would compensate for that.

Planning to have a light dinner shortly followed by relaxing. The alarm clock will be going off at 4:30am - that will be here soon enough.

Good luck to everyone who is racing this weekend!


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Week 9 of Marathon Training Completed!

Just 7 more weeks to go! That’s what completing my 9th week of marathon training means and this past week was a strong week indeed! I decided to add speed training to my program. So, on Thursday, I worked on speed intervals. Since it had been quite some time since I ran intervals, I didn’t do anything too crazy: 6 x 400 intervals with a 1-mile warm up and 1-mile cool down. I forgot how quickly I feel energized when I run intervals – it really is a great feeling. I will be including speed intervals in my program once a week (preferably Thursdays) for the next several weeks before my taper period begins.

When I was planning my Saturday long run this week, I really struggled with the thought of running for 3+ hours outside in the high humidity and the hills in my area. And, yesterday I didn’t feel all that well – I thought that I might be coming down with some type of “bug”. So, this morning I resorted to running my long run (18.25 miles) - on the treadmill -- at the fitness center! I know most people think I have to be crazy to run such a distance on a treadmill but it worked out quite well for me. My iPod was my friend and I was able to catch up on the news watching the television. So, this was my longest distance for a long run so far with this year’s training program and I didn’t feel as ‘zombi-esque’ after I finished!

Now that I am finished with the running portion of my training program this week, I get to focus on my final REST day – Sunday. And, I have already scheduled my massage so my back and legs will be much happier this time tomorrow!

Next week will be Week 10 and I will be capping that week off by running the Rock ‘n’ Roll Philadelphia Half-Marathon on Sunday, September 16.

Happy Training Folks!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Week 8 Finished - Half Way There!

I finished my 8th week of marathon training today with a 16-mile long run (and I’ve been recovering for the remainder of the day!) Today’s conditions were less than ideal (80 degree temps) and the course I chose was hillier than what I should have attempted. The elevation gain was 2,254 feet – that is compared to the 104 feet elevation gain on my 15-mile long run last weekend! Today’s run was quite a challenge and I ended up walking at least 2 miles during the course of my 3-hour expedition. Also, I lost 5 pounds as a result of water loss during the run as a result of the heat. I have been monitoring me weight throughout the day and I’ve already added 3.5 pounds back as a result of my hydration.

Finishing Week 8 means that I am half way there – that is very hard to believe to think that in just 8 more weeks I will be making my final preparations to run the Marine Corps Marathon. I need to remain focused and continue to remind myself that I CAN DO THIS!

Safe Training Fellow Runners!

The Hills and Temperature Factors

Today I planned an 18 mile long run. What I ended up with was a rough go of it and struggled to complete 16 miles - walking at least 2 miles of the total distance.

I thought for sure I was ready for an 18 miler. Last week's long run was 15 miles and I managed that distance fairly well.

So, what happened?

First of all, the course I chose this week was a hilly one compared to last week's relatively flat course.

Second, temperatures today are warmer than last week. It was 80 degrees when I hit 8 mile today. My body does NOT like running in the heat!

Feeling wiped out right now so I don't expect to be moving mountains later today. I think R&R for the rest of the day is in order!

Happy Labor Day Weekend!