Thursday, November 1, 2012

Summary of My MCM Results

I've been slicing and dicing my result data trying to figure out how well or badly I did last weekend. I'm a data guy so I just can't help myself sometimes! That is why I love running so much - there is enough data to satisfy anyone who is the least bit interested in statistics.

So, here is how I placed in the race:
  • Overall, I placed 10,781  out of 23,530 runners.  That puts me in the top 46% of all runners.  (In other words, 54% of all runners finished after me).
  • For men, I placed 7,209 out of 13,526 runners.  That puts me in the 53rd percentile for male runners.
  • In my age group (Male 55-59), I placed 283 out of 750 runners.  That places me in the top 38% of runners in my division - missing the 'Top Third' in my division by 5% (33 runners).
Another way to look at my results is to compare my time (4:36:54) with the average time for each of these same groups:
  • Overall, the average time for all runners was 4:46:05.  That means, on average, I ran the course 9:09 faster than all of the other runners.
  • The average time for all Male runners was 4:37:26.  So, even in the Male category, I came out ahead by 32 seconds!
  • And, the average time for my division (Male 55-59) was 4:52:56.  In this category, on average, I ran the course 16 minutes faster than my peers!
So, I guess I am a slightly 'above average' guy who likes to run marathons for a hobby...

Cheers Everyone!

Monday, October 29, 2012

MCM 2012

Well... I did it. I have another marathon race under my belt. The 2012 Marine Corps Marathon will be a memorable experience for me on several levels.

First, after having a busy and successful set of runs this past summer, I injured my left foot during a half marathon I ran in September. This came in the middle of my 'peak' training period for the marathon so I was not able to reach my maximum training potential. The longest 'long run' I was able to complete was 18 miles; not the 20 miles I was targeting. And, I only ran an 18 miler once, not twice as per plan. But, I stuck with it and didn't let my mishap totally derail my plans. After all, this was the only marathon I planned to run this year!

Second, I had the support of my family and friends and they were there to cheer me on at the race. What a great feeling it was to see the smiling faces of my loved ones in the visitor stands approaching the finish line! Plus, we were able to make a weekend of it in Washington, DC and enjoyed sightseeing and dining. It was a great family weekend!

Yes, I have to admit that I am dissapointed with my results. After finishing the 2011 Philadelphia Marathon in 4:23:46, I was hoping to beat that time and finish closer to 4 hours. Obviously, that did not happen. My finish time for the 2012 Marine Corps Marathon was 4:36:54. That's 13 minutes longer. Or, another way to look at it - that's 13 minutes slower. But, I do have to remind myself that in addition to my abbreviated training program, this was a very different course than Philadelphia. It certainly was hillier - Philadelphia was almost completely flat. And, the weather conditions were less than favorable this year with strong wind gusts as a result of approaching Hurricane Sandy. And, this course was much more congested due to the large number of runners (estimated to be 30,000). At mile 15, I was still trying to maneuver through blocks of runners trying to find my pace. No excuses. I'm just trying to put everything in perspective. Certainly, 26.2 miles is a long way to go so variations in the course and weather conditions can have a considerable impact on the final outcome.

The good news is that I felt much better immediately after finishing this year's marathon than I felt last year. Last year, I remember saying to myself, "I will never does this again!" This year, after I finished I felt very proud and began to wonder where my marathon running would take me in 2013. I still haven't decided which race to target for next year.

By far, the most memorable experience of this year's race was when the Marine presented me with the race medal, placed it over my head and around my neck, saluted me, and thanked me. It was a humbling and emotional experience. I, in turn, returned his salute and thanked him for his service.

Semper Fi!


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Race Day

After all the sweat and preparation, race day is finally here. Although it is early (4AM), I feel well rested and mentally prepared. I am still running through my final selection of gear. It is currently 61 degrees but the temperature is supposed to drop a few degrees when the rain arrives. There is no doubt about it - I will be getting wet today!

Finishing up my first cup of coffee (I will have 2 cups) and then on to some stretching. That will be followed by my Whole Berry Blast flavored ProBar for breakfast. Then a quick shave and shower before I do my final assembly.

Let's do this!


Saturday, October 27, 2012

On the Heels of Sandy

Hurricane Sandy is churning her way towards the eastern seaboard. She is expected to make landfall somewhere between Virginia and Massachusetts on Monday afternoon. She is aligning herself to converge with another frontal system to create one of those 'perfect storms' that the weather forecasters are touting to be of a magnitude that has never been seen before. Millions of people will be impacted; there will be billions of dollars of damage due to flooding and wind.

Here I am in Washington DC lulling in the quiet before the storm. All I want to do is run 26.2 miles tomorrow. This is what I've been training for the last 16 weeks. It doesn't seem reasonable that some wind and rain should prevail. if I'm lucky enough, the worst of the storm will arrive after I've crossed the finish line and I have a new medal around my neck. I'll be safe and sound in the comfort of my hotel room licking my wounds wondering what in the world was I thinking? Why would I subject myself to such discomfort? And then I will remind myself of the exhilarating feeling I will experience once it's all said and done. Within 48 hours after finishing, I know I will begin planning and deciding which marathon I should run in 2013. That's when a new journey will begin.

Good Luck to all of my fellow Marine Corps Marathoners who are in the midst of their final preparations for tomorrow!


Friday, October 26, 2012

MCM 2012 - My Training Journey

Back on July 9, I started my 16-week training program for this year's Marine Corps Marathon. Here it is, October 26, just 2 days before the 37th Marine Corps Marathon. I am checked into my hotel in Washington DC. I've already visited the Expo and have retrieved my bib and shirt. I ran my last easy run (2 miles) early this morning. I've logged 445 miles and 83 hours since I embarked on this training journey. I've run 3 Half Marathons (Chicago, Providence, Philadelphia) in the Rock 'n' Roll Series and an 18 Mile Race in Long Beach Island, New Jersey.

It's helpful for me to look back and reflect on what I've accomplished during my training because it gives me an opportunity to appreciate it is exactly that - a journey. It has to be well planned and deliberate. It takes commitment, grit, determination and lots of sweat. You cannot half way commit to training for a marathon. It has to become your number one priority. No excuses. No exceptions.

Everyone who has talked to me about their experience with running the Marine Corps Marathon has conveyed to me the same message - it is one of the best marathon experiences of their life. Now, that is certainly setting very high expectations for me but something tells me that these expectations will be spot on. I am ready and I remain focused and committed.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Taper Madness

Here it is - 4 days from race day. It is a REST day. I am suffering from Taper Madness.

As hard as I try to sleep later, I just can't seem to get beyond 5am. Certainly, that's an improvement over getting up at 4:30am during the peak of my training when I was logging up to 40 miles per week.

With all of this 'extra time' on my hands, I find myself antsy and rambunctious. There is only so much I can read about the upcoming presidential election before I get so irritated and want to up chuck!

So, this morning, with my extra leisure time, I started to think about the road I have traveled on this year's Marathon Training Journey and was surprised at how many of the states I've covered along the way: Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Maine, Rhode Island, Maryland, Illinois, Texas, California and New Mexico!. Between traveling for work and my pursuit of running races in different locations, I've managed to hit 10 states this year as I prepare for my 2nd Marathon. That's a lot of territory!

It's back to the gym tomorrow for what will be my next to last training run before Sunday. A 40 minute run at an easy pace. Then on Friday, a 20 minute run and I will be finished with my program. The final test will be on Sunday - Marathon Day!!

Peace My Friends,

Monday, October 22, 2012

Final Stretch

As I wake up this Monday morning, I realize that I am indeed at the final stretch of my training for the Marine Corps Marathon. I have 15 weeks of disciplined and planned training behind me, along with a few 'bumps along the road' just to make things more interesting!

Yesterday I participated in my last race prior to next Sunday's marathon. It was the OctoRun 13K and I finished in 1:58:57 (unofficial) beating my time from last year by about 2 minutes. However, there were faster older guys on the course yesterday and I failed to place in the top 3 for my age group (55-59). I thought for sure I was going to medal when I saw a fellow who I passed during the last mile placed 2nd in his age group (40-44) but it wasn't meant to be. I've said before.... It all depends on who else is on the field!

My approach this week is to follow my training plan and to stay hydrated (which is my biggest challenge) and well nourished. No more 600 calorie muffins from the cafeteria at work for my 'mid-morning snack'!

So, here it is, the Final Stretch, and I will be running a Marathon in 6 days!!

Safe Training Folks,

Saturday, October 20, 2012

8 Days and Counting

This is my final weekend heading into the Marine Corps Marathon which is next Sunday, October 28! At this point, I have the better part of 15 weeks of training behind me and I am going to use this weekend to log my last long run and pamper myself with a massage.

Today (Saturday) is technically a REST day for me but I am considering going to the fitness center to do some light cross training on the stationary bike and weight training. Nothing too serious. Tomorrow is a more active day as I am registered to run in a local race in Hatfield, PA. The Octorun 13K is an unusual distance (8.03 miles) but it fits nicely into my schedule. My training plan calls for a 60 minute run this weekend and I ran this same race in 70 minutes last year so I think it is a good fit.

This time next weekend I will be in the final preparations for running my 2nd marathon!!

Safe Training Folks!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Final 2 Weeks

I enjoyed an extra 30 minutes of sleep this morning since I am in the final stretch of my training and in full taper mode! My training program for today calls for a 45 minute run. Gosh, 45 minutes is usually when I am just getting revved up and going. Tapering takes psychological will power. After running close to 40 miles per week during peak training, the overriding feelings of guilt have to be tempered with the wisdom of knowing that cutting back and logging fewer miles is just as important in the preparation for the upcoming assault your body will be forced to endure. 26.2 miles is nothing to sneeze at - it is a BIG DEAL.

Finishing up my morning Joe and then I will be heading out to the fitness center to see a man about a treadmill for about 4 miles.

Safe Training Folks!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Finished Week With a 10-Mile Long Run

Today represents the last day of my first week of tapering and I finished it off with a 10-mile long run on the treadmill. My training program called for a 2-hour run today so I took it at an easy pace and logged 10-miles.

Yesterday was a rest day and I think it really paid off as I felt great after this morning's run. The bottom of my left foot is still slightly tender so I plan on continuing to ice it but I am feeling confident and in good shape.

The Marine Corps Marathoon is just 2 weeks away!!

Safe Training Folks!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Easing Into My Taper

It is Wednesday already and that means I am mid-way through my first taper week. After running the LBI 18 Mile Race last Sunday and achieving a new PR with a respectable 9:21 pace (for my standards), I was feeling pretty beat up and coming down with a cold. Running in the rain and not having dry clothes for my 2-hour drive home from the race didn't help matters! Plus, my left foot started to bother me again, being sore and tender in the same area that I bruised last month. Chicken soup, comfort food, rest and ice were all in order to jump start my post race recovery.

So, Monday was definitely a REST day and yesterday (Tuesday) I cross trained by bicycling 18 miles for an hour on the stationary bike. This morning I will be hitting the treadmill for 60 minutes, targeting a distance of 6 miles.

My cold feels better this morning although I have a lingering and annoying dry cough. I've been popping decongestants every 4 hours to try to dry this thing up. Not to worry, I am confident I will be back to 'normal' in a few days.

Safe Training!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

New PR for 18 Mile Race

Today's LBI 18 Mile Race was the first race I've run in the rain in quite some time. The temperature was around 54 degrees and there was light rain at the start which continued through most of the race, although it did let up for a few miles. The conditions kept most of the spectators home today but that did not stop me from achieving a new PR 2:48:31. That put me at a 9:21 average pace. Considering my training and the mild setback I had this month, I was pleased with my overall performance today.

Tomorrow is the start of my 3-week taper and it will also be a REST day for me. I am feeling a bit beat up after today's run but it's nothing more that a good night's rest won't cure!!

Safe training!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Cross Training Today - 18 Miler Tomorrow

Ok. The Marine Corps Marathon is just 3 weeks away. The bulk of my training is behind me. My taper phase will begin on Monday. But I still have 2 days this weekend to finish out the current phase of my training program with grit, focus and determination.

Today will be a cross training day - I am planning to log my miles using pedal power on the stationary bike at the gym - targeting between 16 - 20 miles. Tomorrow I am planning to run the LBI 18 Mile Race (more than likely in the rain!).

Game on. I am READY for the weekend!


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Feeling Strong

After my 10 mile long run last Sunday, I took a rest day on Monday and then followed up with a 6.4 mile run on Tuesday and a 7.5 mile run this morning. This week represents my last week of full training before my final 3 weeks of tapering which starts next Monday. But, before my taper begins, I will be running the 18 Mile LBI Run in Long Beach Island, New Jersey on Sunday. The extended forecast for Sunday looks like a mostly cloudy day with a high temperature of 55 degrees. That will be 30 degrees cooler than last year!

Feeling stronger and building my confidence. Happy and safe training folks!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

10 Mile Long Run in Rock Hall

While I was visiting family in Rock Hall, MD this weekend, I took advantage of the perfectly flat terrain and ran a 10-mile long run down to Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge. This was my first long run since running the Rock 'n' Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon on September 16 so I was very anxious to get out on the road again and log double digits! All went very well. It was a beautiful morning, clear skies with a temperature around 64 and my foot managed just fine.

It is hard for me to believe that 4 weeks from tonight I will have another marathon under my belt - the Marine Corps Marathon is on Sunday, October 28. I will be working on my confidence over the next couple of weeks. Technically, tomorrow begins week 13 of my 16 week marathon training program and it is the last week of the speed training phase of my program. I will be modifying the program as I don't want to risk any additional injuries so I will be sticking to easy runs this week to make sure I log the distance.

Next Sunday I will be running the LBI 18-Mile Run in Long Beach Island, NJ. That is another perfectly flat course so that will be my next to last long run before the marathon. Tapering will beging immediately after that race.

Safe Running and Training Folks!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

10.5 Miles in 2 Days

Coming back from recovery requires patience and prudence. In other words, listen to your body and don't do anything stupid!

After being on the sidelines for 11 days, I resumed running on Thursdsy and Friday this week. I stuck to the treadmill and ran 5.25 miles each day at an easy pace. Day 1 went without a hitch but yesterday was more of a challenge. My left foot was sore and tender for the better part of yesterday so I was icing it again last night. Today will be a cross training day on the stationary bike and I will attempt my first outdoor run tomorrow while I am visiting family in Rock Hall, MD. (It's nice and flat there so I am targeting another 5 miler at an easy pace.)

I am registered for an 18-Mile run in Long Beach Island, NJ next weekend on October 7. I absolutely have to get another long run in at this distance prior to my Marine Corps Marathon adventure on October 28. I ran LBI last year under grueling conditions (85 degree temps) and it was once of my most miserable running experiences so I am looking forward to more favorable conditions this year.

Whenever I get frustrated I remind myself that I've been through much worse than this. Two years ago at this very time I was in the midst of recovering from a ruptured tendon in my right foot (non-running related injury!) that required 2 surgeries, 8 weeks of non-weight bearing rest and many months of Physical Therapy.

So ... Yes, I will recover from this current 'bump in the road'.

Safe Running Folks,

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Back in the Saddle

My recovery from a badly bruised foot is slowing and systematically proceeding in the right direction. Yesterday I had an appointment with the Orthopeic doctor and he ruled out any type of fracture (with x-rays) so I have clearance to resume running.

It has been 11 days since I ran - I've stuck to cross training on the stationary bike and I have respected my rest days. I have to admit that I am apprehensive but excited at the same time. I'll stick to a more controlled environment by running on the treadmill this morning. My objective is to run at least 4 miles at an easy pace today. I'll see where that leads me.

The Marine Corps Marathon is just 4 1/2 weeks away. I should be at the peak of my training program at this point leading up to my final 3 week taper. I am going to have to make some creative adjustments to my program but I want to see how this morning goes before I get too crazy!

Safe Running Folks!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Cautiously Optimistic

This evening I am being cautiously optimistic that I may have turned the corner in my recovery from last week. It was 1 week ago today when I ran the Rock 'n' Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon and injured my foot. All week long I was working under the assumption that I badly bruised the bottom of my left foot as a result of (unknowingly) having a small piece of gravel in my running shoe. However, yesterday I was at the point where I was beginning to think there was something more serious going on as I wasn't feeling much better. However, knock on wood, I woke up today feeling much better and here it is early evening and although the foot feels slightly sore and is still tender, I am able to walk on it without any discomfort which is a big improvement!

I realize it is one day at a time and I am not ruling anything out until I see the doctor on Wednesday so I am planning to stay away from running for a few more days - I'll continue to do my time on the stationary bike at the fitness center. Yesterday was a compelte rest day for me but I did get back to my routine and biked 18 miles in 1 hour early this morning. And what a sweat I break out on that bike - it does feel like a good workout although I'd much rather be hitting the road again with my running shoes.

Keeping my fingers crossed that I will feel even better tomorrow!

Safe Training Folks,

Saturday, September 22, 2012


I was hoping to be much further along with my recovery at this point but the fact of the matter is my left foot is still sore snd tender. The bruising has disappeared but I still have discomfort whenever I put weight on it. Yes, I do have an appointment with my Orthopedic doctor next Wednesday - I finally realized yesterday that this may be something more than a bad bruising.

The convenience of having internet access at my fingertips on my iPad while I am still in bed this Saturday morning got me doing some reading and my slightly hypochondriac nature is telling me that I may have a stress fracture. The area is sore, tender to the touch, was initially bruised, and remains painful when I put weight on it. These are all classic symptoms of a stress fracture and the ankle is one of the more common sites for a stress fracture in runners.

Not that I am jumping to conclusions - but I am trying to prepare myself mentally for what this would mean. I am not going to 'go there' in writing at this point because I have put so much into my training this summer. And ironically, today is the first day of fall. The cooler temperatures are here and oh how much I would like to be lacing up my shoes this morning for my 18-20 mile long run that I had planned.

So, my plan for this weekend is to get as much rest as possible. If I get to the gym at all it will be for strength training only. Although I think cross training on the stationary bike would be ok, I want to see how I feel after a couple days of rest.

Grin and bear it is my slogan for the day. I've been through much worse than this - that's for sure.

Peace my friends and safe training!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Cross Training This Week

'Plan B' is being executed this week as my left foot is still healing from my running event last Sunday (bruised foot due to friction caused by small stone in running shoe)! The bruising is healing and the foot is still tender but I am noticing improvement. So, there isn't any way I can subject my foot to running this week.

This is where 'Plan B' comes into play - stay active with cross training. Yesterday I went to the gym and knocked out 16 miles on the stationary bike (1 hour) and I am planning to do the same thing this morning along with some upper body weight training.

Staying positive and keeping active will get me through this rough patch - I know there is full recovery on the other side of this little speed bump!

Safe Training Folks,

Monday, September 17, 2012

Half Marathon Summary

I thought it would be interesting to do a side-by-side comparison of my recent half marathon results. Interestingly enough, I've seen good progress with improving my pace resulting in better finish times. And, on the opposite ends of these events (Chicago and Philadelphia), I had 'extenuating' circumstances impacting my performance. Chicago was HOT and I was in PAIN in Philadelphia! Finishing in the top third overall and within my age group makes me feel good. I know I'll never be in the top 20% but if I can chip away and get loser to the top 25% now that would be an amazing accomplishment!

It is pouring rain at the moment and although my left foot is still sore from my race in Philly on Sunday, I am planning to head out to the gym after I have another cup of my Morning Joe to do some cross training on the bicycle and some strength training.

Marathon training is moving forward!

Rolled Through Philly in 1:57:42

The Rock 'n' Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon could not have asked for a more beautiful day yesterday. A gorgeous late summer day with temps in the 60's and low humidity - very sweet!.

My finish time of 1:57:42 was a PR for this course (this was my 3rd year running this half marathon) but not an overall PR.

I have to say that I was well on my way to achieving a new PR and was on target to finish around 1:52. However, at or around mile 8, I started to feel pain on the bottom of my left foot. I did my best to focus my thoughts and energy on my form and my time but by mile 11 the pain was all I could think about. In all honesty, I am really not sure how I crossed that finish line.

At the time, I was convinced that I developed plantar fasciitis. However, when I changed out of my running shoes into my sandals after the race, I noticed a small piece of gravel was in my left shoe - Aha!! How could I have not noticed? I didn't even feel it but it was big enough to cause a point of irritation for each foot strike.

Several hours later after I started to ice my foot, it became clear that the tiny piece of gravel was indeed the culprit. I noticed 3 distinct reddish areas on the bottom of my foot that represented strike points. That little bugger was moving around and causing so much grief for my foot. By last night, the bottom of my foot looked bruised and this morning it looks cherry red and it is still very sore. I think it will be several days before I lace up again for running. Today is my rest day so I am thinking that I will resort to bicycling when I head back to the gym tomorrow.

Lesson learned - when pain begins at a strike point - consider stopping to see if there is anything in your shoe. No kidding. That could have been gotten me a new PR and saved me a lot of grief!

Marching forward with my training (although this week may have some modifications) for the Marine Corps Marathon on October 28!

Happy Trails Folks!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Rockin' and Rollin' in Philly

Final preparations tonight for the Rock 'n Roll Philadelphia half marathon tomorrow morning! This will be my 4th half marathon in as many months and it will be my last half marathon before the Marine Corps Marathon at the end of Ocober. The weather is forecasted to be an absolutely beautiful day to run 13.1 miles. Temps will be around 60 degrees at 8:00am - race time!

Feeling good - I had a few strong runs this week so I am feeling prepared. I did not include intervals in my training this week as I figured my racing on Sunday would compensate for that.

Planning to have a light dinner shortly followed by relaxing. The alarm clock will be going off at 4:30am - that will be here soon enough.

Good luck to everyone who is racing this weekend!


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Week 9 of Marathon Training Completed!

Just 7 more weeks to go! That’s what completing my 9th week of marathon training means and this past week was a strong week indeed! I decided to add speed training to my program. So, on Thursday, I worked on speed intervals. Since it had been quite some time since I ran intervals, I didn’t do anything too crazy: 6 x 400 intervals with a 1-mile warm up and 1-mile cool down. I forgot how quickly I feel energized when I run intervals – it really is a great feeling. I will be including speed intervals in my program once a week (preferably Thursdays) for the next several weeks before my taper period begins.

When I was planning my Saturday long run this week, I really struggled with the thought of running for 3+ hours outside in the high humidity and the hills in my area. And, yesterday I didn’t feel all that well – I thought that I might be coming down with some type of “bug”. So, this morning I resorted to running my long run (18.25 miles) - on the treadmill -- at the fitness center! I know most people think I have to be crazy to run such a distance on a treadmill but it worked out quite well for me. My iPod was my friend and I was able to catch up on the news watching the television. So, this was my longest distance for a long run so far with this year’s training program and I didn’t feel as ‘zombi-esque’ after I finished!

Now that I am finished with the running portion of my training program this week, I get to focus on my final REST day – Sunday. And, I have already scheduled my massage so my back and legs will be much happier this time tomorrow!

Next week will be Week 10 and I will be capping that week off by running the Rock ‘n’ Roll Philadelphia Half-Marathon on Sunday, September 16.

Happy Training Folks!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Week 8 Finished - Half Way There!

I finished my 8th week of marathon training today with a 16-mile long run (and I’ve been recovering for the remainder of the day!) Today’s conditions were less than ideal (80 degree temps) and the course I chose was hillier than what I should have attempted. The elevation gain was 2,254 feet – that is compared to the 104 feet elevation gain on my 15-mile long run last weekend! Today’s run was quite a challenge and I ended up walking at least 2 miles during the course of my 3-hour expedition. Also, I lost 5 pounds as a result of water loss during the run as a result of the heat. I have been monitoring me weight throughout the day and I’ve already added 3.5 pounds back as a result of my hydration.

Finishing Week 8 means that I am half way there – that is very hard to believe to think that in just 8 more weeks I will be making my final preparations to run the Marine Corps Marathon. I need to remain focused and continue to remind myself that I CAN DO THIS!

Safe Training Fellow Runners!

The Hills and Temperature Factors

Today I planned an 18 mile long run. What I ended up with was a rough go of it and struggled to complete 16 miles - walking at least 2 miles of the total distance.

I thought for sure I was ready for an 18 miler. Last week's long run was 15 miles and I managed that distance fairly well.

So, what happened?

First of all, the course I chose this week was a hilly one compared to last week's relatively flat course.

Second, temperatures today are warmer than last week. It was 80 degrees when I hit 8 mile today. My body does NOT like running in the heat!

Feeling wiped out right now so I don't expect to be moving mountains later today. I think R&R for the rest of the day is in order!

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

Friday, August 31, 2012

August Stats - 1000 Miles YTD

I am wrapping up another month of running on this Blue Moon Evening August 31, 2012 and just happened to notice that I reached the 1000 mile mark for the year! I clearly remember beginning this year running a 5K race in Tyler State Park so I started the year running 3.1 miles and here I am 997 miles later. Based on my trend, it looks like I will be very close to reaching 1500 miles for the year.

This month I ramped up my marathon training in preparation for the Marine Corps Marathon which I will be running on October 28. As part of my program, I’ve been participating in a half marathon each month and August saw me running the Rock ‘n Roll Providence Half Marathon on August 19. Providence really rocked and I had a great time there and managed to accomplish a respectable finish time 1:59:25. Although not a PR, I was pleased with finishing under the 2 hour mark. My objective is to finish Marine Corps as close to 4 hours as possible.

I am also wrapping up Week 8 of my marathon training program tomorrow and I plan to finish the week with an 18 mile long run. That will be 3 miles longer than my 15 mile long run last weekend. I hope to get an early start and instead of hitting the Delaware River Canal tow path like I did last weekend, my plan is to run the new (and unopened) Route 202 Bypass which is close by and convenient to home.

So, August had a lot of Easy Runs, several Long Runs and one Half Marathon. Next week starts another month and Week 9 of marathon training for me. It is also the week that I plan to add Speed Training to my program. At least once a week (probably Thursdays), I will include speed intervals to my program. I am looking forward to adding that new dimension to my program!

All-in-all, I would grade my month’s performance a B+. Although I’ve been meeting my mileage and running time targets, I have to admit that I am not exactly where I want to be mentally. Also, I need to improve my diet – I have been inconsistent with my meal plans and need to improve my nutrition. To that end, I will plan to post highlights of my eating program throughout September. That should keep me motivated and focused!

Happy and Safe Training Folks!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Week 7 and 40 Miles!

Now I am getting into the serious part of training: a 40-mile week! I did over extend myself a bit this week by running 22% above my target time. But, I was on vacation in southern Maine and I just couldn’t help myself. The beautiful beach at Ogunquit kept calling my name early in the morning and I just couldn’t resist.

I returned home from vacation yesterday and decided to run this week’s long run along the tow path at the Delaware River Canal so this morning I headed out and was able to log 15 miles. I felt pretty good up until the last 2 miles or so. Running these long runs solo is a bit of a challenge. That is one of the reasons I chose the canal because it is a popular area for runners and it is FLAT. And, especially this time of year, there are always other runners out for their long runs, training for their fall marathons. So, although I wasn’t running with a group, I was at least able to see and greet other runners along the way.

Tomorrow will definitely be a REST day and I am planning to get a massage. And that reminds me that I need to call to make an appointment before it is too late!

Happy and Safe Training Folks!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Running on the Beach

This morning I ran 7.5 miles along this beautiful shoreline in Ogunquit, Maine. What a spectacular morning! That makes 2 consecutive mornings of running on the beach - yesterday I logged 6.5 miles.

This beach provides a perfect running course early in the morning because low tide is around 8am and that provides a large flat course with beautiful scenery.

Now that my run is out of the way, I plan to spend a relaxing day on the beach watching the other runners pass by!

Happy and Safe Running Folks!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Providence Rocked!

This past weekend I ran the Rock 'n Roll Half Marathon in Providence, Rhode Island and it rocked! I arrived in the rain on Saturday afternoon but by evening the skies had cleared and Sunday morning was just glorious. Blue skies and a temperature of 61 degrees at race time. This was the first time I ever spent time in Providence and what a lovely city. The course had a few challenging hills along the way but the scenic New England landscape was a real treat. White church steeples peeking above the lush green foliage were very pleasing to the eye.

My official finish time was 1:59:25 - not a PR but right in my target zone. More importantly, I finished 8 minutes faster than Chicago last month where the weather conditions were grueling. So, if anything, my Providence results helped me regain my confidence.

Now I am spending a week along the coast of southern Maine where I plan to hit the beach and roads for more training amidst the beautiful New England landscape.

Next race is the Rock 'n Roll Half Marathon in Philadelphia on September 16.

Race on folks!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Week 5 Marathon Training – 31 Miles!


Target Time (minutes)

Actual Time (minutes)

Distance (miles)

Weight (pounds)









































Another week down and 31 miles logged for Week 5 of Marathon Training. The highlight for this week was a 12.25 mile Long Run on Saturday. Despite managing a hectic travel schedule this week for work, I was able to pretty much stick to my training plan although I had to make a few minor adjustments. For instance, today (Sunday) is supposed to be a Rest Day but I did get to the fitness center and logged a 3.6 mile run at an easy pace. I also included some lower body strength training after my run this morning.

This weekend I was able to watch Team USA (men and women) perform at the 2012 Olympics in London and all I can say is that all of those athletes are such an inspiration to anyone who enjoys running as a sport. My goodness – the speed with which they bolt around the track is mesmerizing. How is it possible for the human body to move at such speed with such finesse? Lots of grit and determination, commitment, and dedication to what they want to accomplish. It felt so proud to be an American watching them bring home the Gold and Silver Olympic Medals this weekend. Congratulations Team USA!

As for me, I will embark on my 6th Week of Marathon Training beginning tomorrow – Go Team John!

Happy and Safe Running Folks!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

12.25 Mile Long Run – Done!

So, it's Saturday and we all know what that means – LONG RUN Day! Yes, it is my favorite day of the week; well, sometimes it is. Due to my work travel schedule this week, my training took a bit of a detour. Yesterday I was scheduled for a 45 minute run but I spent the majority of the day in airports and airplanes, heading home from Southern California. I wonder if airlines will ever offer fitness center options on cross country jaunts - wouldn't that be sweet?

My actual objective for today's run was to log 2 hours. Before I retired to bed last night, I committed to running outside, despite the warm and humid weather conditions. I was running on the treadmill in hotel fitness centers during the week and I really needed to experience the outdoors. And, instead of hitting the Route 202 trail that I've been frequenting, I decided to take to the roads. And, I managed 12.25 miles despite the conditions and the hills in the area where I live. I love the feeling of starting my run right at the end of my driveway, without having to drive to my running course or gym. And, I know that at the end of the run – I will be home!

I still need to run 45 minutes to meet my training schedule objectives this week so my plan right now is to do an easy run at the fitness center tomorrow. Sunday is supposed to be one of my REST Days so I will keep that in mind so I don't overdo it.

Happy and Safe Running Folks!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

August – A Month of Remembrance

Stephen Baker
August 12, 1916 ~ October 30, 1985

Anna Marie Baker
August 10, 1919 ~ July 22, 2006

The month of August represents my parents to me. Both my mother and father were born in August and they were married during this month. I have many childhood memories spending the Dog Days of Summer (August) at the New Jersey shore on vacation with my family. We always seemed to have a cake celebrating something: August 3 was my parent's wedding anniversary, followed by my mother's birthday on August 10 and then my father's birthday on August 12. One month and we were done with anniversaries and birthdays for mom and dad.

Now that both of my parents are gone, I look at the month of August as a time of reflection and remembrance. And, I recognize that I have so much to be thankful for knowing that I was raised by such loving and strong willed parents who instilled in their children a sense of pride, responsibility, and independence. I know both my older sister and my twin brother would agree that we were indeed fortunate and blessed with parents who raised their children knowing what they knew best – hard work will reap you benefits and treating people with respect will lead you along a path of satisfaction and success.

Both of my parents came from very modest beginnings. My father, born in northwestern Pennsylvania, was a 1st generation American – his parents immigrated to the United States from what is now the Czech Republic. My mother, born on a farm in Southern New Jersey, always seemed to stick to her roots, feeling comfortable out in the yard, tending to her garden.

Mom and Dad were both impacted by the Great Depression and had to cut short their studies to tend to family responsibilities. Mom and Dad were survivors. They taught us by example and demonstrated to us that commitment came first and everything else followed. If you are committed to your relationships, studies, and your work, success would follow.

So, Mom and Dad, I have many happy memories and I thank you for them. I know that I am who I am today because you instilled in me a sense of pride and self-respect. I carry this with me today. And for that, I will be forever thankful.

Your Loving Son,

Marathon Training – Week 4!


Target Time (minutes)

Actual Time (minutes)

Distance (miles)

Weight (pounds)







































Another week of marathon training is now behind me. And I have to say the warm weather and humidity that we've been experiencing has been quite the challenge. So, this morning for my weekly long run, I had to resort to 'Plan B' and ran inside at the fitness center, logging 8 miles. My original plan was to tackle 10 miles outside but it was already 74 degrees at 7am this morning and the air was thick with fog and humidity – not my idea of ideal conditions for running a LONG RUN. Nonetheless, I felt really strong throughout the run and I probably have gone longer but I mistakenly thought my target time was 75 minutes rather than 105 minutes. I knew I should have double-checked my schedule before I left the house but I wasn't as organized as I should have been. Another lesson learned – Have a solid plan the night before and commit to it!

Tomorrow will be a rest day but I am planning to do some strength training at the fitness center. Other than that, I hope to have a relaxing and restful Sunday!

Safe and Happy Running!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Marathon Week 3 – Completed!

I finished up my 3rd week of marathon training with a 9 mile long run this morning. My goodness it was warm! I started out at 7:30am and it was already 70 degrees. My 90-minute 9-mile run left me thoroughly soaked in sweat and quickly reminded me of my half marathon run in Chicago last weekend under similar conditions. This really has been a brutal summer weather wise and not so ideal for training because of the warm temperatures. All-in-all, I ran a total of 26.25 miles for week 3 and my total time was about 13% higher than my target:


Target Time (minutes)

Actual Time (minutes)

Distance (miles)

Weight (pounds)










































Looking back on the past 3 weeks, I consistently 'over' ran based on my time targets but this week represented my closest time to target so I feel like I am pretty much on track. One thing I want to consider for week 4 is to begin adding one speed training session to my program. I'll be looking at my week 4 plan later this weekend to figure out my plan of attack.

Aside from training, my next race will be the Rock 'n' Roll Providence Half Marathon on August 19 so that is 3 weeks away! Hard to believe at that point, I will be finishing up week 6 of my marathon training!

Happy and Safe Running Folks!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Marathon Training Week 2


Target Time (minutes)

Actual Time (minutes)

Distance (miles)

Weight (pounds)









































Two weeks down and 14 more to go!

Last week was my 2nd week of training for the Marine Corps Marathon and I probably overdid it – spending 59% more time running than my program allotment. Knowing that I was running a half-marathon on Sunday, I should have tapered a bit in the earlier part of the week but I didn't. Perhaps that is why I had a lackluster performance at yesterday's Rock 'n' Roll Chicago Half Marathon although the extreme weather conditions had to be a contributing factor.

For week 3, I need to get back on track and not overdo it. Over training can be as bad if not worse than under training!

Safe Training Folks!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Chicago – Done!

To say this morning's Rock 'n' Roll Chicago Half-Marathon was a challenge would be an understatement. Although race time was 6:30am, the temperature was already close to 80 degrees and there was no breeze to speak of. I knew I was in trouble when I reached my 10-mile target time (1:35) at the 9-mile marker. I was averaging a 9:15 minute mile at that point so I knew I would be close to 10 minutes off of my overall target time. There wasn't any way I'd be able to beat my PR of 1:55.

All in all, I finished in 2:08:26 (that's an average 9:48 pace) which, coincidentally, is my worst time ever for a half-marathon – Yikes! However, the weather conditions for this race were the most extreme of all the half-marathons I've run so I know that was a huge factor. After mile 9, I literally took walking breaks after each water station which were 1-mile apart.

Disappointed, YES, but having just reviewed the results on-line, I still managed to place in the Top 3rd in my age group (Male 55-59) so that tells me I didn't fair too badly amongst my peers. It was a very tough race and I knew I was overheated – thus, I made sure to stop at every water station and took in both water and Gatorade.

Highlights of this race were sponges soaked in ice cold water at around mile 11 and washcloths soaked in ice cold water at the finish line – what a relief they provided!

Oh, and my favorite tee-shirt was worn by a young woman and it read "Just give me my medal and no one will get hurt". That really made me chuckle and it came at a great time during the race to uplift me a bit and stop focusing on how terrible I felt. And – it worked for about a mile!

I am now home in Pennsylvania, safe and sound, and have yet another half-marathon experience under my belt. My lesson learned here is that there will be extreme conditions that will influence my performance along the way. Just suck it up and move on!

Safe Running Folks!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Ready to Rock 'n' Roll in Chicago!

It's the night before race day and I am getting ready to turn in. I wanted to be in bed by 10:30 at the latest and it is now 10:10 so I am right on schedule.

Running gear is laid out, bib is pinned to my shirt, chrono timing tag is attached to my running shoe. And, oh yeah, coffee maker is all set to go! Since race time is 6:30am, I am planning to have my alarm go off at 4:30am. I scoped out the starting area earlier today and it is only a 10 minute walk from my hotel. So, that's one less thing I have to worry about in the morning - trying to find the venue.

I need to be up and about for at least an hour before I head out in the morning and I especially don't like to feel rushed on race day.

It's going to be another warm day tomorrow - a high of 91 degrees and 75 degrees at the starting line but I am still looking forward to having an awesome time!

Rock on Chicago!

Friday, July 20, 2012

It's Chicago Time!

Whenever I'm in Chicago I remember a verse that my parents used to say when we were kids - it went like this: Chicken in the car and the car won't go - that's how you spell Chi-car-go.. It seems silly now but it's just one of those childhood memories I have. So, YES, I arrived in Chicago earlier today, got settled into my hotel room, picked up my race materials for Sunday, took a 3 hour nap and had a relaxing dinner this evening.

Yes, a 3 hour nap - not a 3 hour tour. I couldn't understand why I was so tired but then I reflected on how my week progressed and it became clearer why I was so pooped!

Monday: Worked all day, drove an hour to the Philadelphis airport, flew to Boston.

Tuesday: Ran 5+ miles along the Charles River in high humidity, sat in an all day business meeting, flew from Boston to Kansas City (through Charlotte), Drove an hour to my hotel in Lenexa, KS, got to bed at 1:30am Central time.

Wednesday: Woke up at 6:00am, went to work, hosted a retirement luncheon for one of my Director's, attended meetings during the afternoon.

Thursday: Drove back to the Kansas City airport, flew back to Philadelphia, drove an hour home, unpacked, did laundry, and packed for my trip to Chicago.

Friday: Woke up at 4:30am, drove to the Philadelphia airport, flew to Chicago, took the train from the airport into the city, checked into my hotel, walked for a couple of hours around the city.

Whew! I think my 3 hour nap was justified.

Tomorrow I am planning to get in an eary morning run and then do some touristy stuff - not exactly sure yet.

Race time is 6:30am on Sunday morning so it will be another early start!

Happy Trails Folks!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

This One’s for You Mom!

Anna Marie Baker
August 10, 1919 ~ July 22, 2006

On Sunday, July 22, 2012, I will be running the Chicago Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon. This date will also be the 6th anniversary of my mother's passing away. I'm sorry you never got to experience my interest in running, Mom, since I just developed this passion 4 years ago. But, I know you would be proud of me. Your strength and 'steely determination' have stayed with me and have been such an inspiration to help me through the rough spots along the way. I love you and miss you very much.

So, Mom .... this one's for you!!

Much Love,

Countdown to Chicago!

Tomorrow I leave for Chicago to run the Rock 'n' Roll Chicago Half Marathon on Sunday, July 22. This will be my 2nd half marathon in as many months and is part of my lead up to the Marine Corps Marathon in October. I am feeling confident and strong – this is also my 2nd week of marathon training so I am excited to be able to include this Sunday's race in my training program. This week I traveled to Cambridge, MA and Kansas City, MO for business so I was able to log some training miles in different states – another way for me to keep motivated!

Sunday's weather forecast for Chicago is a high of 93 degrees which will be a challenge. (However, it will be cooler than the 105 degrees I experienced in Kansas City yesterday). The mid-west USA is really burning up this summer!! So, my plan is to stay hydrated on Friday and Saturday leading up to the race on Sunday.

I've wanted to run a race in Chicago for some time now so I am really looking forward to this weekend. Once I have this one under my belt, I'll know if I want to return for a full marathon sometime in the future.

Happy and Safe Running Folks!