Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tempo Run's - Why They Are Important

Tempo runs are probably the biggest challenge of my training program. Here is helpful article from Runner's World that explains the physiology behind tempo runs and why they are important in your training program:

Learn How To Do A Perfect Tempo Run From Runner's

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Getting Stronger

I like to plan my long runs on Saturdays so I have at least 1 more day of the weekend for recovery. Today, I was planning an 8-mile run but I woke up feeling there was no way I'd be able to run 8 miles today. So, I was having my morning coffee and decided to open my latest edition of Runner's World magazine and read an article on ways to boost your confidence. One tidbit they offered was to run in your favorite shorts or warm-up. So, I pulled out the shorts and top that I wore when I ran my first 10-mile and first half-marathon. It worked! I felt really good remembering those accomplishments – got myself to the gym – and logged 9.5 miles on the treadmill! I felt very strong throughout the run and my cardio is right where it was prior to surgery. I couldn't ask for more. I know I won't be pushing for new PRs in my upcoming races this spring and summer; however, I am very pleased to be back on track and running in the pack again.

Happy trails everyone!


Saturday, January 22, 2011

8 Mile Long Run Milestone

I am making steady progress! Today, I achieved my goal to run 8 miles – actually logging 8.2 miles at the gym. I felt strong and was pleased with my aerobic endurance and efficiency. Now I need to focus on building my strength and speed. In previous training, I never ran more than 10 miles for my long runs. Since I do all of my training on a treadmill, it is difficult for me to stay focused for 10 miles!

Tomorrow will be a cross-training day. Plan to do biking and some core training. I really have neglected my core training. In the past, I would be able to easily knock out 300+ crunches but I'm not sure I could do 100 at this point. So, core training definitely needs my attention.

Once the work week starts, I hope to get to the gym at least 3 nights during the week. That all depends on the weather, as they are predicting yet another snowstorm this week – enough already with the snow this winter!

Happy trails everyone…


Saturday, January 15, 2011

6 Mile Long Run Milestone

Today was my long run day for training and I set a goal of 6 miles…. And, I logged 6.32 miles! I kept it at a very easy pace and ran for 85 minutes. My foot felt fine but I still need to work on building up my strength and endurance over the next several weeks. Tomorrow will be a day of cross training – bicycling and some core training.

Still feeling positive about the Sarasota Half-Marathon on March 13!

Happy Trails Everyone,


Saturday, January 8, 2011

5.0 Mile Run Today!

Yes, I finally reached my 5 mile milestone run today on the treadmill! This is my longest run so far post-surgery and I am pleased with my progress and training for the 13.1 mile run in Sarasota on March 13. Obviously, more work needs to be done with both endurance and strength training. Also, my heart rate is about 10 beats per minute faster than it used to be running at this pace. But, that should come down to where I want it to be with additional training.

I am trying to run every other day at this point and focus on bicycling and cross-training for my non-running days. My plan is to run 6 miles for my long run this coming week and then 8 miles the week after. I'll run between 3 and 4 miles on my non-long running days.

All-in-all, the foot feels great – no discomfort or swelling at this point so I am very happy about that!

Happy trails everyone…..


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

3 Keys to Your Offseason Diet

Eating fewer animals, more plants and less junk food are some of the keys to establishing a healthy and nutritous diet. Read more about how to fuel your offseason diet and keep you on track.

3 Keys to Your Offseason Diet |

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Build the Perfect Training Week

Feeling overwhelmed by all the information out there on training for a 5K, half-marathon, or marathon? Read how to pull all of the components together that include Tempo Runs, Intervals, Distance Runs, Cross-Training and Rest. This approach is simple and straightforward and will get you on your way.

Build the Perfect Training Week |

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Getting Easier

I think I am finally getting back into the groove of exercise. Biked 16 miles yesterday and ran 3.8 miles today and my foot feels fine right now. I probably rushed into things too fast a few weeks ago – I just wasn't ready. As long as I ice down afterwards and remember to sleep with my foot elevated, I think I should be fine. Guess I need to get serious about booking a flight and hotel for Sarasota in March!

I noticed this weekend that the race dates have been set for the 16th Annual Bucks (County) 5K Series that begin on March 20 in Doylestown, PA. This year's races are sponsored by Advanced Sports Chiropractic. Proceeds from the 7 races will benefit charities that are all local to Bucks County, PA. In 2010, I ran 6 of the 7 races. I haven't decided how many to run this year but the first race in the series is the weekend following the Sarasota Half-Marathon. I want to see how my training progresses over the next month before I over commit.

Read more about the Bucks 5K Races here:

Happy Trails Everyone!
