Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

It's a chilly 18 degrees here, just north of Boston, where I am spending the Christmas holiday with my family. When I was packing for my trip, I originally planned to bring my outdoor gear so I would be prepared to run outside in the colder temps. But, I ran out of room and had to leave the extra layers behind. So, there will be no running for me today. I did manage to get a 6 mile run in on the treadmill yesterday. One of the advantages of my LA Fitness gym membership is that I can go to any of their facilities so when I travel I try to take advantage of that and yesterday morning I went to their gym in Stoneham, MA.

So, today I will be focusing on one of my other passions - cooking. I'll be in the kitchen most of the day. Our Christmas day dinner menu includes:

I did most of the prep work yesterday so today I'll be pulling it all together. There will be 12 of us at the dinner table today and holidays for me are all about spending time together, sharing stories, reflecting on our good fortunes of having one another and, of course, sitting at the dinner table enjoying good food!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

8 Mile Run and Then Cookie Baking Time

With Christmas being just 1 week away, I decided it was time to 'get into the spirit' and there's nothing like baking batches of cookies that make it feel like Christmastime at home. So, today I started my weekend off with an 8 mile run – my usual loop around Doylestown – and then I got out the mixer and went to town making cookies. Made 4 batches today and am planning to make 2 more batches tomorrow. Cookies at Christmastime just go hand and hand and bring back so many childhood memories of the fun my brother, sister and I had helping our mother with her baking. Even though we weren't together today, we may as well have been in my mother's kitchen, crammed around the table mixing the batters, filling the cookie press with dough, pressing the cookies onto the baking sheets, decorating our artistic creations and of course, listening to Christmas music in the background!

Today I didn't use a cookie press but I still had vivid memories of filling that metal cylinder with dough and deciding which design plate to use. Instead, I just resorted to dropping the batter onto the sheets – a bit more primitive I guess. Perhaps, 'rustic' would be a better choice of words. (It's nice to know that a word like rustic can be used describe 'easier' and 'less complicated'!)

So, here's my cookie list this year. I'll be filling decorative tins tomorrow to pass out to neighbors and friends at work this week. In my book, there's no gift better than one that came from someone's kitchen. Home is where the heart is and today my heart was in the kitchen (after my 8 mile early morning run of course)!


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Intervals – Mixing it Up!

I realized this morning as I was heading out to the gym at 5:30AM that I really wasn't looking forward to the hum-drum boredom of what was quickly becoming my '5-mile duty' on the treadmill. I asked myself if my running had lost its purpose. After all, I had planned and trained for my first full marathon for 16-weeks and now that I have that behind me, I was feeling kind of lost. I also noticed that I wasn't feeling as excited logging my running workouts into my Garmin Connect account because I was classifying them as 'fitness' rather than 'training' events.

Could I possibly be suffering from Post Marathon Training Syndrome (PMTS)? Perhaps… It's been less than a month since I achieved a goal that I had dreamed of completing for more than 3 years. Certainly, it's understandable that I'd be feeling out of sorts, right?

So, as I was driving to the gym I realized that I needed to mix things up a bit today so I decided to run intervals. I stayed away from intervals during my marathon training based on advice I read for first time marathoners (especially those of us who are in their 50's) – I just wasn't willing to take on the risk of injuring myself.

But, today is a new day and I'm at a new stage with my running. I have a marathon behind me. I've already accomplished that goal. I can cross that objective off my bucket list.

Yes, running intervals was just what I needed today. The time on the treadmill passed quickly and I felt completely energized after my workout and through most of the day. Today I challenged myself to run 6x100 intervals with a 1-mile warm up and a 1-mile cool down. Certainly not the most rigorous interval set but it's a start.

Run: Intervals by jbaker614 at Garmin Connect - Details

So, in the spirit of continuous improvement and staying motivated, I hereby commit to run intervals once a week. No excuses. Thursdays will be the day – Interval Thursdays!

Happy and Safe Running,

Monday, December 12, 2011

Just for Fun!

Ok... with the holiday season upon us, many of you may be looking for gift ideas for that special runner in your life, or maybe a runner friend, pal, comrade. Check out The Running Store at Cafe Press!

Holiday Gift Ideas for Runners by Cafe Press

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Final Race for 2011!

Race: BCRR 5.3 Mile Jingle Bell Run by jbaker614 at Garmin Connect - Details

What a beautiful morning it was to run in my FINAL race for 2011! There were blue sunny skies with a temperature of 35 degrees with no wind to speak of. Today was the 2nd race in the Bucks County Road Runners 2011-2012 Winter Series – 5.3 mile run ("Jingle Bell Run") in Tyler State Park. There were a couple hundred runners this morning and I placed myself in the 9:00 minute pace group, finishing in 43:39 - placing 153th out of 318 runners. That's an 8:15 minute mile! I ran this same course 2 weeks ago during an informal run and today I managed to beat that time by over a minute. So, as my final race for 2011, I was very pleased with my performance.

2011 was my comeback year. After injuring my right foot during the summer of 2010 (a non-running injury I must add), followed by 2 surgeries and 10 weeks of being non-weight bearing, I returned to running just 1 year ago in early December 2010. I was determined to get back on track and re-build my confidence to train for my first full marathon.

Throughout 2011, I ran a total of 19 races. Here's a recap

  • Ten 5K Races – PR 24:51
  • One 5.3 Mile Race
  • One 10K Race – PR 54:42
  • One 13K Race – PR 1:10:57
  • One 10 Mile Race – PR 1:35:54
  • Three Half Marathons – PR 1:59:02
  • One 18 Mile Race – PR 3:08:30
  • One Marathon – PR 4:23:46

Next week I will be fulfilling my volunteer obligations with the Bucks County Road Runners during the Tyler Challenge 10K Race on December 18. So, I will be there on the sidelines helping with the logistics. My next opportunity to race will be on January 1, 2012 when I run the Cham-Pain 5K.

Happy and Safe Running!


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Running and Business Travel

After months of hardly doing any traveling for business, my travel schedule has picked up and I find myself on the road again during the week for the past couple of weeks. I realize now that I was taking so much for granted while I was training for the Philadelphia marathon and my work schedule kept me close to home. Now, I have more planning to do when it comes to packing my suitcase (making sure I have enough changes of running gear for the week) and making sure I select a hotel that has decent exercise facilities. Last week, when I traveled out West, I fully expected to run outside but the Santa Ana winds squashed that plan! Wind gusts up to 80 mph were roaring through Albuquerque so I had to resort to Plan B and do all of my running indoors on the treadmill. This week, I am traveling out West again and will be visiting Denver and the hotel where I am staying has a very nice fitness center.

While traveling, I also have to focus on eating properly and making sure I stay hydrated. In the past, I would always notice, on average, an extra 3 pounds whenever I would return home from a business trip. Part of the challenge of traveling is being away from my routines (bringing my lunch to work every day and making sure I eat plenty of fiber). Fiber and water are my friends when I am on the road. If I neglect these friends while traveling, I tend to suffer the consequences which are a bit uncomfortable J

So, business travel presents some additional challenges for those of us who want to maintain our running schedules while we are out of town. Packing enough of the right gear, selecting a hotel with a decent fitness center, staying hydrated, eating properly and getting enough sleep (especially when there are time zone changes involved) are all factors that need to be taken into consideration to make sure your next business trip doesn't find you holed up in your hotel room watching your favorite news channel and getting depressed over the current state of world economics, the pathetic condition of our political landscape, or the very sad stories of either missing or abused children. Now I realize I have another reason to run!

Happy and Safe Running!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Racing Again – Covered Bridge 5K

Today was the official kick-off for the Bucks County Road Runners Winter Series with a pretty tough (hilly) 5K course in Tyler State Park. It was a perfect morning for a race and the turnout was great! I surprised myself with a pretty strong finish, considering the course – finishing in 26:24 (unofficial time – results are yet to be posted). I can definitely see an improvement in my performance as well as how I feel after the faster races. In this race, I managed to kick in strong with the hills and managed to pass some of the 'speedsters' who left me behind during the flat part of the course. My overall place was 144 but I don't know the total number of racers or how I finished in my age group. Hopefully, results will be posted soon.

Next Sunday the series continues with the Jingle Bell 5.3 Mile race. Let's see if our luck continues with the weather so we can have another perfectly beautiful running day!

Happy and Safe Running!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

BCRR Winter Series

Today marked the informal kick-off of the 2011-2012 Winter Series hosted by the Bucks County Road Runners (BCRR). This was my first BCRR event and it won't be my last- that's for sure! What a great way to surround yourself with the likes of fellow runners who are interested in challenging themselves and getting out there to have fun! It was another beautiful sunny morning with temps in the low 50's at start time. Because today was the informal opening of the series, there was no official time tracking. That fun will start next week at the Covered Bridge 5K race which begins at 9:30am on Sunday, December 4.

All of the Winter Series races are held in Tyler State Park located in Newtown, PA. The topography of the park is fairly hilly so the races will be challenging and a good workout. Today's Tour Tyler Informal was a 5.3 mile loop around the park which I managed in 44:50. That's an 8:28 minute mile which is pretty close to my average 5K race speed. So, I felt like I was right on target and it felt great.

An added bonus to today's run was being able to meet up with 2 of my Facebook running friends and their spouses – Great job everyone!

Happy and Safe Running,

Saturday, November 26, 2011

What Next?

This past week I felt as if I was trying to balance my post-marathon recovery efforts with trying to stay motivated and focused on maintaining a running schedule that provided me the right amount of aerobic exercise to maintain my fitness goals and objectives. I laced up my running shoes again on Wednesday and hit the treadmill for 3 miles at a very easy pace – it felt great! Thursday, of course, was the Thanksgiving holiday so all of my exercise was around getting the house and meal prepared for my family and we all had a very enjoyable time. And, I managed to NOT overdo my calorie intake and did NOT gain additional pounds.

Yesterday and today were absolutely beautiful days with clear, sunny skies and temperatures in the 65 – 70 degree range. I went outdoors and included a track warm-up in my runs; 4.25 miles yesterday and 6.0 miles today through Doylestown and parts of the Delaware Valley College campus which is close to my home. I feel like I am 'back in the saddle' so to speak.

So, the next running event that I'll be participating in is the Bucks County Road Runners Winter Series which a series of 12 races beginning tomorrow with the Tyler Tour Informal, a 5.3 miler in Tyler Park, Newtown, PA. I'll be meeting up with some of my Facebook running friends so it will be great to see them again, too!

I still feel like I am riding high from my Marathon accomplishment last weekend. I've received so much support from friends and family and wonderful words of encouragement that has made all the effort worth it!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and maybe some of you managed to include a Turkey Trot race in your holiday schedules.

Happy and Safe Running,


Monday, November 21, 2011

Mission Accomplished!

Race: Philadelphia Marathon by jbaker614 at Garmin Connect - Details

I'm not really sure how to describe how I am feeling right now. Yesterday, I achieved a goal that I set out to do about 3 years ago by completing my first marathon race. And, I managed to achieve a finishing time that was right in the zone that I was targeting (between 4:10 and 4:30) -> 4:23:46!

Although I would have liked to finish closer to the 4:10 time, I am still very pleased with my accomplishment. And, considering most of the advice I received from experienced runners was to just focus on finishing, I feel like I came out ahead by finishing and meeting my target time expectations. I think there is a lot to be said about being meticulous about following a training program. And, that I did! The 16-week program that I followed focused more on time rather than distance and included 2 rest days per week. I learned that REST days are equally important as RUNNING days, especially being a 50+ year old runner in training.

Similar to being meticulous with my training plan, I was also very careful with my preparations for the 18th Annual Philadelphia Marathon. Here is a breakdown of my race day prep:

  • Finalized and prepped all of my running gear the night before the race and retired to bed at 10:00PM
  • Woke up at 3:30AM on race day to make sure I had enough time for stretching, breakfast, and taking care of 'biological' business before I left the house
  • Left the house at 4:45AM sharp to travel into Philadelphia and found a parking garage close to the start and finish line
  • Arrived at the starting area right around 6:00AM and mingled in the crowd of excited runners
  • Positioned myself in the Purple corral by 6:40AM in anticipation of a 7:00AM start
  • Moved up to the starting line and finally started my race around 7:20AM

My biggest fear was that I would start out too fast. But, the crowd of runners through most of Center City Philadelphia kept me at a slow enough pace that I didn't have to worry about burning off too much juice at the start. I averaged a 9:45 pace for the first 14 miles, took a biological break around mile 15, picked it back up and then slipped to a 10:30 pace between miles 18-24. I wouldn't say I hit the wall at mile 18. My energy level was still pretty good (I was slurping 'Gu's' every 5 miles and kept myself hydrated with water and Gatorade at all of the stations) but both of my Achilles started to bother me around that time which detracted from my focus. But, I kept seeing signs in the crowd that read "Pain is temporary…. Pride lasts forever" and I kept reminding myself how proud I would be when I crossed that finish line!

I have to admit that the last 2 miles are pretty much a blur. I started to feel nauseous and I just wanted the race to be over! I do remember running next to a younger fellow who was really struggling and he kept repeating to himself, "Under 4:30… under 4:30" so I knew we both had the same goal in mind. I can't remember if he finished ahead of or behind me but I am certain that he did finish.

I do remember feeling such a huge sense of relief when I saw the finish line and time clock within my reach and finally crossing that line! I couldn't help but nostalgically reflect on all that I'd been through to get to that point in time. I wanted to capture the moment and savor it. It didn't take long for my friend, Tim and my brother, Steve to hail me to the sides shortly after I finished to hug and to congratulate me. What a beautiful moment indeed.

If you asked me 24 hours ago if I would do this again, I'm not sure how I would answer. I could barely move and I was in pain. But, sure enough, Pain is temporary. Who wouldn't be in pain after running 26.2 miles? It is a grueling experience but the rewards I feel right now will not be temporary. I proved to myself that I can clearly accomplish a goal by making a commitment and following through on a plan.

So, my biggest question right now is not
Will I run another marathon? Rather, the question I am asking myself right now is Which marathon will I run next?

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Final Prep for the Philadelphia Marathon

With a little more than 12 hours before race time, I can honestly say that I am comfortable, relaxed and excited all at the same time. I took the train into the city today to pick up my bib and race packet at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in center city Philadelphia and then had a great lunch at the Reading Terminal and Market – a flounder sandwich (it tasted like it was caught out of the Atlantic Ocean earlier this morning) and a cup of New England clam chowder (otherwise known as chowdah'). Since I was at the Reading Terminal, I also decided to buy all of the produce that I'll need for Thanksgiving dinner which is coming up later this week. Not only am I running my first marathon – I am hosting my family Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday. I wanted to make sure I got most of my shopping out of the way as I'm not sure what condition I'll be in later tomorrow J

So, my plans for tonight are to have a relaxing and light dinner and be in bed by 9:00PM. I am planning to be up by 4:00AM tomorrow morning so I can leave the house by 5:00AM at the absolute latest.

Wishing all of the runners who are making their final preparations the best of luck!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Final Countdown: 2 Days!

Just 2 more days before the Philadelphia Marathon. To say I am a bit 'antsy' would be an understatement. I am so ready. It's like waiting for Christmas morning to arrive when you are 6 years old!

This morning I very aptly managed a 3.8 mile run in 40 minutes. Tomorrow will be a 20 minute run and then I'll be done.

I am feeling more rested and sleeping at least a half hour later and keeping an eye on staying hydrated. Let race day be here already!

Happy and Safe Running,

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Weather Forecast - Modified

Sunday's weather forecast for the Philadelphia Marathon has been slightly modified since yesterday. The chance of rain is still only 20% but the general forecast has changed from Cloudy to Partly Cloudy and the high temperature has increased from 62 degrees to 63 degrees. I am actually glad to see that we won't be under a complete cover of clouds.

Also, I noticed that sunrise will be 6:51AM. With a race start time of 7:00AM that will be perfect timing to get a beautiful view of the Benjamin Franklin Parkway and City Hall as we start our 26.2 mile adventure.

Good luck to everyone who is making their final preparations for racing this coming weekend.

Happy and Safe Running!

Final Countdown: 3 Days!

Only 3 days left before the Philadelphia Marathon. My 16-week training program is quickly coming to a close – Sigh!

Today, Wednesday, was a Rest day so I have done exactly that – these feet have not been laced up with their favorite running shoes since yesterday morning. But, I have 2 more short training runs left this week before I hit the 26.2 mile course on Sunday.

Tomorrow will be an easy 40 minute run followed by a 20 minute run on Friday.

I am feeling well rested and energetic (although a bit anxious) as a result of my tapering. Final preparations will be in progress on Friday and Saturday. I still need to get a haircut and make my final decision on my running outfit and gear. It will be a bit warm – a high of 63 degrees is forecasted with partly cloudy skies.

Happy and Safe Running!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Final Countdown: 4 Days!

Just 4 more days left before the Philadelphia Marathon and my taper is in full swing!

  • Slept 6 hours and 41 minutes last night and felt well rested upon awakening
  • Stretched my back, hamstrings, calves and gluts prior to running
  • 45 minute easy run (4.25 miles) completed – Check!

Weather forecast for race day has been changed to Cloudy with a high temperature of 62 degrees! There is a 20% chance of showers.

Good luck to all of you who are making their final preparations for race day.

Happy and Safe Running!

Monday, November 14, 2011


So, the weather forecast this coming weekend looks like a progression from sunny skies on Friday to partly cloudy on Saturday and cloudy on Sunday, Marathon Day! Also, the temps will be on a gradual rise over the weekend peaking with a high of 62 degrees on Sunday.

A bit warmer than I would have liked but at least we won't be dealing with bright sunny skies. And, there is just a slight (20%) chance of rain. That sounds good to me!

Final Countdown: 5 Days

Just 5 more days left before the Philadelphia Marathon and all systems appear to be GO!

  • Slept 6 hours and 52 minutes last night and felt well rested upon awakening
  • Stretched my back, hamstrings, calves and gluts prior to running
  • 45 minute easy run (4.25 miles) completed – Check!
  • Getting ready to have egg whites, whole wheat toast, peanut butter and a banana for breakfast

Weather forecast for race day is partly cloudy with a high temperature of 60 degrees!

Good luck to all of you who are making their final preparations for race day.

Happy and Safe Running!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Week 16: Marathon Training

Training For:
Philadelphia Marathon
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Week 15:

November 14 – 20, 2011





Nov 14

45 min, Zone 1 – 2


Nov 15

45 min, Zone 1-2


Nov 16



Nov 17

40 min, Zone 1 – 2


Nov 18

20 min, Zone 1 – 2


Nov 19



Nov 20




2.5 hr Run

Mon and Fri:
Optional Cross-Train Days

Back in August when I was beginning this 16-week training program, the thought of November and all that I'd be doing to prepare for the Philadelphia Marathon seemed so far away. But, here it is – race week!

My goodness- what a journey this has been. After coming home from my Marathon Training Camp at the Craftsbury Outdoor Center in Craftsbury, Vermont in July, I felt very ready to 'lock and load' in terms of making the commitment to follow a 16-week training program and stay focused on reaching the goal that I set out to do – train for and complete my first marathon. And here I am – training is almost complete and by this time next week I will be able to say that I finished.

One thing I remember Lynn Jennings telling me at the Craftsbury Outdoor Center is that I should set 3 time targets for my marathon. So, I'm going out on a limb here to declare what will make me very proud ("Best in Class"), accomplished ("Acceptable"), or I need to try harder ("Minimum Acceptable"). If, for whatever reason my time is greater than 4:30, I think I will need to seriously look at my approach to training and decide whether to do this again!

  • Best in Class à 4:10
  • Acceptable à4:20
  • Minimum Acceptable à4:30

Happy and Safe Running!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tapering – So Much More to Give

Based on all the reading I've done about tapering, I can say that I am experiencing the classic reaction to my shortened runs – I want to go longer! My weekday easy runs this week are 45 minutes long and I'm managing 4.25 miles at an easy pace. I am feeling very strong and definitely want to continue running after I hit that 45 minute mark. But, I know it is important to follow my plan and give my body a chance to recover from the stress I've subjected it to with my 40, 45 and 50 mile weeks that have brought me to this stage in my training plan.

Race day is just 11 days away!

Happy and Safe Running,

Monday, November 7, 2011

Week 15: Marathon Training

Training For:
Philadelphia Marathon
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Week 15:

November 7 – 13, 2011





Nov 07

45 min, Zone 1 – 2


Nov 08

45 min, Zone 1-2


Nov 09



Nov 10

45 min, Zone 1 – 2


Nov 11

45 min, Zone 1 – 2


Nov 12

60 min


Nov 13




4.0 hr Run

Mon and Fri:
Optional Cross-Train Days

Week 15 of my 16 week marathon training program for the Philadelphia Marathon starts today. This is week 2 of my taper and after following the New York City Marathon on the news yesterday, I am getting more excited about race today. I just hope weather conditions are just as nice on November 20 as they were in New York yesterday!

Once of my highlights from last week's training was a 12-mile long run which I completed outside in 33 degree temperatures in Doylestown, PA. This was a good prep for me running in colder temps and feeling comfortable and warm with layers of clothing.

This week I need to stay focused on recovery, good nutrition, and sustaining my self-confidence!

Happy and Safe Running!


Sunday, November 6, 2011


Now I know how it feels to taper and cut back on the hours and miles logged in preparation for my first full marathon race! This was week 14 of my 16-week training program for the Philadelphia Marathon on November 20 and it also represented week 1 of my 3-week taper prior to the race. I logged 35 miles this week (that's 13 fewer miles than last week) and 6:30 hours (that's 2:30 hours less than last week). Included in this week's training schedule was a 12 mile long run which I did yesterday through Doylestown with a temperature of 33 degrees at start time!

Run: Long Run by jbaker614 at Garmin Connect - Details

Race day is just 2 weeks from today and I know the time will pass by quickly. I am feeling confident and ready knowing that I followed my training schedule religiously. This time last year, I would never have imagined running 15, 18 and 20 mile long training runs but I did it!

Today is an absolutely beautiful day on the east coast and the runners in the New York City Marathon must be enjoying this perfect day to hit the streets and pound out 26.2 miles. Good luck to all the New York City marathoners!

Happy and Safe Running,

Monday, October 31, 2011

Week 14: Marathon Training

Training For:
Philadelphia Marathon
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Week 14:

October 31 – November 6, 2011





Oct 31

60 min, Zone 1 – 2


Nov 01

60 min, Zone 1-2


Nov 02



Nov 03

60 min, Zone 1 – 2


Nov 04

60 min, Zone 1 – 2


Nov 05

120 min


Nov 06




6.0 hr Run

Mon and Fri:
Optional Cross-Train Days

Week 14 of my 16 week marathon training program for the Philadelphia Marathon started today. My taper has officially begun! After running 9+ hours last week, which included a 20 mile long run, I won't know what to do with my extra time. Mentally, I know I have to stay strong and continue to focus on stretching and eating well. No slacking off in the good nutrition area. And, I want to be sure to get plenty of rest.

I continue to do my weekday easy runs early in the morning at the gym. I typically arrive at the gym between 5:30am and 6:00am and there are a couple of regulars who are always there. We keep good company and the time passes quickly.

Good luck to everyone who is training and keep up with the great work…..

Happy Running!


Sunday, October 30, 2011

More Milestones Achieved in October

Although there is one more day in October, my running is complete for the month. And, what a month it was! I just completed week 13 of my 16-week training program for the Philadelphia Marathon and it was the most strenuous of all training weeks. During week 13 alone, I logged 9.12 hours of running and that included a 20 mile long run (on the treadmill) today!

Since August, I steadily increased my running hours and distance covered. I remember back when I was in running camp during July when the coaches talked about logging 40-50 hours a week and thinking there was no way I'd be able to pull it off. But, to my surprise and satisfaction, I was able to keep up with the program and do what I had to do.

In fact, today I had to resort to running my 20 mile long run on the treadmill due to unfavorable weather conditions. Yesterday, we had a very unusual Nor'Easter storm that dumped close to 7 inches of snow in the area where I live outside of Philadelphia and the roads were still being cleared this morning so I bit the bullet and went to the gym to do my 20! My goodness – what a challenge that was! I tend to run slower on the treadmill so I took my time, listened to music on my iPod and finished in 3:47. Looking forward to my REST day tomorrow.

Here are some of more notable achievements for October:

  • Ran a total distance of 201 miles. That represents a 21% increase from September (166 miles) and a 40% increase from August (144 miles).
  • Hit a weekly mileage milestone of 50 miles during the week of October 3-9.
  • Hit a weekly duration milestone of 9 hours 12 minutes during the week of October 24-31.
  • Placed 2nd in my age group (Male 55-59) at the OctoRun 13K Race in Hatfield, PA on October 24.

So, with October coming to a close and the Philadelphia Marathon just 3 weeks from TODAY, my taper officially begins tomorrow. This will be interesting for me since this will be my first full marathon – that means, this will also be my first taper after preparing so hard for the past 13 weeks. I am going to have to re-discover some lost hobbies to fill in the extra time that I'll be having on my hands!

Happy and Safe Running Folks,

Monday, October 24, 2011

Placed 2nd in My Age Group (M55-59)

I guess I should have hung around for the awards ceremony yesterday because I placed 2nd in my age group (M55-59) at the OctoRun 13K race in Hatfield, PA! What a great surprise. Based on my overall placement (94th) and time (1:10:57), I really wasn't expecting an award winning finish but I'll take it! This makes me really proud of the progress I've made with my training and helps build my confidence for running the Philadelphia Marathon in just under 4 weeks!

Happy and Safe Running,

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Week 13: Marathon Training

Training For:
Philadelphia Marathon
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Week 13:

October 24 – 30, 2011





Oct 24

60 min, Zone 1 – 2


Oct 25

75 min, Zone 2


Oct 26



Oct 27

90 min, Zone 2


Oct 28

60 min, Zone 1 – 2


Oct 29

210 min


Oct 30




8.25 hr Run

Mon and Fri:
Optional Cross-Train Days

Week 13 of my 16 week marathon training program begins tomorrow. This represents the LONGEST of running hours in the entire 16 weeks – Yikes! But, I am heading into the week feeling prepared and strong to meet the challenge. Hard to believe that my 3-week taper will begin once I finish this week. So, that is something to look forward to!

I didn't have any single 'gotcha' or 'wow' moments this past week. However, I was very pleased with my results today at the OctoRun 13K Race in Hatfield, PA – finished in 1:10:59 (8:50 min pace). I really felt as if I was in tune with my body and surroundings. I finished very strong – my 7, 8 and 9 mile splits were 8:49.9, 8:06.0 and 7:06.9. I felt like I was flying across the finish line. It was also great reassurance to hear folks acknowledging my strong finish as I approached that finish line.

Looking forward to approaching this week's training with a vengeance – wanting to keep strong and avoid injury!

Good luck to everyone who is training and keep up with the great work…..

Happy Running!

OctoRun 13K

Race: OctoRun 13K (Hatfield, PA) by jbaker614 at Garmin Connect - Details

This morning was an absolutely beautiful fall morning for the 2nd Annual OctoRun 13K in Hatfield, PA. Blue skies, a chill in the air (around 50 degrees at race time), and a couple hundred of runners hit the streets of Hatfield township. I felt that I had a really strong run, finishing in 1:10:59 (8:50 pace). It was primarily a flat course with a few inclines and I was happy that my average pace was stronger than my best 10K race thus far and this race was 3K longer. To me, that is an indicator that my training is paying off!

This week it's back to business with my marathon training – it is week 13 of my 16-week training program for the Philadelphia Marathon and it represents the longest number of hours (8.25) of running in the whole program. I will be back to the treadmill early tomorrow (Monday) morning to kick off the week to a great start.

Happy and Safe Running!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Week 12: Marathon Training

Training For:
Philadelphia Marathon
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Week 12:

October 17 – 23, 2011





Oct 17

60 min, Zone 1 – 2


Oct 18

75 min, Zone 2


Oct 19



Oct 20

75 min, Zone 2


Oct 21

60 min, Zone 1 – 2


Oct 22



Oct 23

210 min



7.50 hr Run

Mon and Fri:
Optional Cross-Train Days

Week 12 of my 16 week marathon training program begins tomorrow. I will have a slight change in schedule as I ran my long run today (Sunday) instead of yesterday (Saturday) because of weather conditions so tomorrow (Monday) will be a REST day for me!

My biggest milestone achieved this week (actually earlier today) was a 20-mile long run – my longest run to date! It was a beautiful fall morning so I got an early start – temps were in the low 50's when I started and low 70's when I finished. All-in-all, I felt like I ran very strong, finishing in 3:20:41. That gives me a 10:02 pace which seems to be right on target for my marathon goal.

I was thankful that I invested in a new hydration/fueling belt yesterday as it worked perfectly for me. I filled 2 of the bottles with water and the other 2 bottles with my electrolyte lemon lime fizz. Also, I went through 3 of my Gu's - banana-strawberry continues to be my favorite flavor.

Week 12 calls for me to scale back on my long run so next weekend I will plan to run 15 miles. I'll have one more opportunity to run 20 miles prior to marathon day!

Good luck to everyone who is training and keep up with great work…..

Happy Running!

20-Mile Long Run

Run: Long Run (20 Miles) by jbaker614 at Garmin Connect - Details

Another milestone achieved earlier today when I completed a 20 mile long run in 3:20. It was a beautiful fall weather morning and I had a great time running along the Delaware River Canal from Yardley to New Hope, PA and back! I kept myself well hydrated (every 15 minutes) and refueled (every 45 minutes). Confidence is gaining as I approach the final 5 weeks of training before I run the Philaldelphia Marathon on Sunday, November 20.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Getting Ready for a 20-Mile Long Run

I don't want to jinx myself but this is the weekend I am scheduled to hit the 20-mile mark on my long run so that means tomorrow (Sunday) will be the day. I will be heading to the Delaware River Canal in Yardley, PA and begin my trek close to Cramer's Bakery. It will be 10 miles out and then 10 miles back.

20 miles will be my longest distance thus far. The last time I ran the canal was 2 weeks ago and I managed 15 miles. Then, last weekend, I ran the 18-Mile race in Long Beach Island, NJ. The last 4 miles of that race were a real struggle for me as the temperature was 85 degrees and I was not sufficiently hydrated.

To help me with my re-fueling, I bought a new water belt today with 4 containers that will provide me with plenty of room for water, electrolytes and carbohydrates so I should be all set to go.

Dinner this evening was Penne Pasta with Chicken and a Pink Cream Sauce. Simply delish. Now, all I need to do is get a good night's sleep and be sure to stretch, stretch, and stretch before I head out tomorrow.

Happy and Safe Running!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Flexible Training Schedule

I really, really prefer to run my long runs on Saturday mornings. This is generally what works well for my schedule. I enjoy getting an early start and at the latest, I am finished by mid to late morning. And that gives me the rest of the day to catch up on errands, do laundry, etc. Plus, the biggest advantage for me is that running long on Saturday lets me take Sunday as a REST day which allows me the cushion of a day before I head back to work and the office.

Looking at this weekend's weather forecast, however, I am seriously considering running long on Sunday, rather than Saturday. Lingering showers and very windy conditions do not sound very appealing to me at the moment as I am planning to go 20 miles this weekend – my longest distance thus far ever!

So, more and more, Sunday is looking like my preferred day for running those 20 miles. The weather forecasters are predicting a 'typical fall day' and that is exactly what I am going to need to stay focused and motivated!

Now, all I have to finalize is the route. I am considering either the Delaware River Canal or Doylestown. More to follow on that decision later.

Happy and Safe Running!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Just 5 Weeks to Go!

It continues to amaze me how quickly the weeks are passing by in preparation for the Philadelphia Marathon on Sunday, November 20.  I am in week 11 of my 16-week training program and just 2 weeks away from my taper.  This coming weekend will be a HUGE milestone for me as it will be my first attempt at a 20-mile long run.  After last week's 18-mile race in the blazing sun along the New Jersey shore (and 85 degree temps), I was very happy to see this coming weekend's weather forecast: TYPICAL fall weather with temperatures in the mid to upper 60's - YES!
My 2 biggest lessons learned from last weekend were: (1) don't start out too fast; and (2) replenish electrolytes.
Of course, it's easy to get all caught up in the excitement on race day and what the heck?  "Everyone else is running fast so I should run fast too" was my rationale but it all caught up to me around mile 12 when I suddenly realized I was running out of juice.

So, in preparation for my 20-mile long run, I purchased BodyTech Electrolyte Fizz (Lemon Lime) from the The Vitamin Shoppe last evening and tested it during my 8-mile run on the treadmill this morning.  I actually ran very strong this morning so maybe it helped to make a difference.  It was also reassuring for me to know that I did not have any adverse stomach or intestinal reactions to my new 'juice'!

Still haven't finally decided on the route for my 20-miler this weekend.  I am thinking I'll run the Delaware Canal but I'm considering other alternatives at this point.

Happy and Safe Running!


Sunday, October 9, 2011

18 Mile Race

Race: LBI 18-Mile Race by jbaker614 at Garmin Connect - Details

Today I ran an 18-mile race in Long Beach Island, NJ. This was my first time running and racing this distance so I instantly have a new PR – Yeah! Unfortunately, the weather conditions were brutal. A very sunny day and the temperature was 85 degrees. Also, the race had a later than usual start (10:30AM) so it was already warm when we began. I was really hoping to finish in 3 hours but I missed that target by 8 minutes finishing in 3:08:30. Considering the conditions, I shouldn't beat myself up too much.

Right now, both of my Achilles' are SCREAMING so I've been trying to ice them for 15 minutes every half hour. I am hoping this is temporary as I do not want to have another injury.

Tomorrow will definitely be a REST day. I plan on getting a very good night's sleep tonight. There won't be much keeping my head from hitting the pillow tonight.

Happy and Safe Running!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

8.0 Mile Run Today

Run: Easy Run by jbaker614 at Garmin Connect - Details

This morning was the most beautiful Saturday morning we have experienced here on the eastern seaboard in quite some time. I was up early and planned to do an easy 6-mile run but once I got going, I felt strong and continued on for 8 miles. There were lots of runners out today – the weather could not have been nicer.

Tomorrow is an 18-mile race in Long Beach Island, NJ so I'll be heading out pretty early since I will have nearly a 2-hour drive to get there.

Happy and Safe Running!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

1,000 Mile Mark

My 7-mile easy run this morning pushed me over the 1,000 mile mark for 2011. Yes, indeed - another milestone achieved! It's really amazing how the miles add up when training for a marathon. This week, I will probably hit 45 miles since I will be running an 18-mile race on Sunday. There will be at least 3 more weeks of high mileage before I begin my 3-week taper for the Philadelphia Marathon on November 20.

Something tells me that post-marathon and post-Thanksgiving, I'll be taking advantage of some well deserved R&R before I begin training for another event in the Spring of 2012.

Happy Running!

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Spirit of the Marathon

Tonight, while I was on Facebook, I came across this YouTube video on one of my running group pages and WOW - did it resonate with me and inspire me! This video captures the "Why run a marathon for 5 different runners from various backgrounds. Whether it's a way to find happiness, do something that most people cannot do, or if it's a job, the common theme across the board is recognizing that running a marathon is one of the most challenging physical and emotional events of a lifetime.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Week 10: Marathon Training

Training For:
Philadelphia Marathon
Sunday, November 21, 2011

Week 10:

October 3 – 9, 2011





Oct 03

60 min, Zone 1 – 2


Oct 04

75 min, Zone 2


Oct 05



Oct 06

75 min, Zone 2


Oct 07

60 min, Zone 1 – 2


Oct 08



Oct 09

165 min



7.25 hr Run

Mon and Fri:
Optional Cross-Train Days

The weeks just seem to be flying by and tomorrow begins Week 10 of my 16-week marathon training program for the Philadelphia Marathon. Last week I had to resort to a mix of indoor and outdoor running during the weekdays because of all the rain we've been experiencing. Yesterday, I was fortunate enough to get a 15-mile run along the Delaware canal and was able to meet a couple other runners who are training for the Philadelphia Marathon. They told me about an 18 mile race in Long Beach Island (LBI), New Jersey next Sunday so that fits perfectly into my plan. So, rather than running the 18 miles by myself, I'll be with a bunch of other runners in LBI – perfect!

My 15-mile long run this past week was the longest distance I've run so far. I felt pretty darn good up until the last mile. It was cooler and I wasn't paying as much attention to keeping hydrated so I think that was my mistake. Another lesson learned.

Good luck to everyone who is training and keep up with great work…..

Happy Running!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Another Record of Total Monthly Miles – 166!

During September, my marathon training was in full earnest and that can be easily seen when I look back on the miles I logged during the month. A total of 166 miles – mostly Easy Runs but I also had weekly Long Runs and a couple of Races. Notably, I finished the Rock 'n' Roll Philadelphia Marathon in 1:59:02 (a new PR!) and the Chestertown (Maryland) 5K in 25:25 (1st in 50-59 Age Group and 9th Overall!) Not bad, considering we had the rainiest month on record here in the Philadelphia area.

My October Challenge is going to be nailing long runs at distances that will be new to me. But, I am always up for a challenge! Over the next 3 weekends, I am planning to tackle 15, 18 and 20 mile long runs. That will take me to October 15 which will be just 4 weeks away from the Philadelphia Marathon!

I am feeling very confident that I can do this and it's a matter of staying focused, driven, and injury free!

Hoping that everyone out there who is training for a half or full marathon this fall is doing well….

Happy Running,

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Week 9: Marathon Training

Training For:
Philadelphia Marathon
Sunday, November 21, 2011

Week 9:

September 26 – October 2, 2011





Sep 26

45 min, Zone 1 – 2


Sep 27

60 min, Zone 2


Sep 28



Sep 29

60 min, Zone 2


Sep 30

45 min, Zone 1 – 2


Oct 01



Oct 02

210 min



7.00 hr Run

Mon and Fri:
Optional Cross-Train Days

This is the last week of September, we are already into the Fall season and this begins week 9 of my 16-week training program for the Philadelphia Marathon. I've had a busy schedule these past 2 weeks and here are some of my more notable milestones:

  • Set a new PR for a half marathon in Philadelphia on September 18 à
  • Finished 1st in my age division (50-59) and 9th overall in the Chestertown (Maryland) 5K on September 25 à
  • Logged 43 and 39
    running miles over the last 2 weeks

My biggest challenge in this week's schedule is a 210 minute long run. I still need to plan when and where I'll be doing that so I still have more planning to do!


Happy Running!

Monday, September 26, 2011

1st – A New Accomplishment!

First in my age group (50-59) that is! Yes, this has never happened before so I'm a bit in shock. I ran the Chestertown (Maryland) 5K last weekend and I finished in 25:25 and that was good enough for me to place 1st in my age group and 9th overall! WOW. Finishing in the top 10 has always been one of my dreams and I was able to top it off with the 1st place finish in my division. Sweet…. Very sweet indeed.

What made the event even more special is I ran with my nephew-in-law who also finished 1st in his age group and he placed 4th overall. Now, that is a great family team if I say so myself!

Now, I have to get serious about training for the Philadelphia Marathon. I am in week 9 of my 16-week training program and I need to focus on planning my long runs. The 20-mile long run is my next biggest milestone and I need to tackle it within the next couple of weeks. Wish me luck!

Happy Running,

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Next Up – Chestertown 5K

This weekend, I'll be running the Chestertown 5K Race in Chestertown, Maryland. I haven't run a 5K since early July so this should be a good test for me. I've been mostly focused on easy and longer runs. And, of course, I competed in 2 half-marathons (Minneapolis and Philadelphia) since August.

I'll be visiting my sister and her family in Rock Hall, Maryland this weekend and I am taking advantage of participating in a local 5K while I am there. Also, I'll be running with (or I should say following) my nephew-in-law, Kirke! Although the weather does not look promising (rain is in the forecast for the next several days), it's going to be great fun to visit with family and get some good running in at the same time!

Happy Running Folks,


Sunday, September 18, 2011

New PR Set for Half Marathon!

I did it! I was determined to beat my best time and I did beat it by 21 seconds! I have a new PR for the half marathon: 1:59:02. If it wasn't for the 'surprise' hill at the very end of the race, I would have come in under 1:59, I know it!

What I see as the biggest benefit of my training is the strength I feel in my running. Although I am only shaving seconds off my times at this point, I feel that I've been successful with building the strength phase of my training. I feel much stronger and more confident with my running and I continue to feel strong at the very end. Now, I need to add speed training to my program. I've read some programs that discourage first time marathoners from including speed training in their programs but I feel like I am ready. I'll take it easy and add speed workouts to my regimen once a week. I'll start that later this week.

As September (and summer) wind down, I have some wonderful reflections on my running accomplishments this season. I'll post more on that subject later this week.

In the meantime….

Happy Running!