Sunday, September 19, 2010

Today I am ‘Virtually’ Running

Here I am, lying in bed on this beautiful Sunday morning when I should be running in the Philadelphia Rock ‘n’ Roll Half-Marathon!

It is such a beautiful day so I am very happy for the runners. But, today, instead of lining up at the starting line and kicking off for running 13.1 miles, I am envisioning how I would be feeling right now, about half-way through the race. I would like to think that I am feeling energized by the crowds and confident that I will soon be crossing that finish line!

Good Luck to all of you runners today who have trained so hard for this event! I am there with you in spirit and can’t wait to be able to put on my running shoes again!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

On The Road to Recovery....

The summer of 2010 will be a hard one for me to forget! After completing a pretty strong stretch of runs and races in the Spring, I hit a wall in July after experiencing a couple of non-running related injuries - a dislocated shoulder and a severed tendon in my right foot.

My shoulder is healing steadily and the good news is that there was no damage to the rotator cuff which is one of the more serious consequences. So, I expect to regain a full range of motion through physical therapy.

Yesterday, I had a 2nd surgery on my foot as the 1st surgery trying to repair the extensor hallicus longus tendon was unsuccessful (sigh). This time, they had to do a 'tendon transfer' because the damaged tendon was unrepairable. So, they basically took the tendon from my 2nd toe and transferred it to the big toe; and, toes 2 and 3 will share a tendon! Sounds complicated but the surgery only lasted an hour and a half. The toughest part of recovery is that I have to be non-weight bearing for 6 weeks. I am in a hard cast in bed for the first 2 weeks followed by 4 weeks in a boot. Thank goodness for the internet, cable television, crossword puzzles, and sudoku!!

So, needless to say... my marathon training is at a complete standstill right now. I am very confident, based on what my surgeon told me, that I will run again and I am determined to make that happen... maybe the Firstwatch Half-Marathon in Sarasota, FL in March 2011!