Friday, August 29, 2014

I'm Coming Back....

I can think of a dozen or more excuses to eplain why I haven't posted on this blog for more than 10 months but plain and simple, my heart has not been where it once was when it comes to running.

My experience at the 2013 Chicago Marathon was a dismal disappointment. It is only recent that I've been able to make this admission to myself but that is the reality. True confessions.

Chicago was my third marathon and it will probably be my last full marathon. It started off great and through mile 18 I was on track to set a new PR which is something I should have never even considered, based on my lack of training and knee surgeries leading up to the race. Consequently, everything started to head south around mile 21. My heart rate accelereated to a level that scared me, I became dehydrated, and my calf muscles started to cramp. Although I finished the race, I walked about half of the last 5 miles and my race time was longer than my two previous marathons in Philadelhphia and Washingtom DC (Marine Corps). So, I retreated home to Philadelphia and tended to my bruised ego and very sore knees. Running a marathon can be a wonderful experience but it is also quite an assault to the human body!

What have I been doing over the past 10 months? Mainly, trying to get my knees back into shape, understanding what was causing my problems, and setting new expectations moving forward. Bottom line is that my new reality is learning to run with osteoarthritis (OA). Yes - I was diagnosed with a moderate amount of OA in my left knee. My most predominant symptoms are swelling and stiffness; fortunately, there is no pain. For that, I am thankful!

Instead of running 5 (sometimes 6) days a week, I limit my running to 3 days a week - maximum. I still try to get to the gym at least 5 days a week and on my off-running days, you will find me on the stationary bike and the elliptical. Actually, I have become a HUGE fan of the elliptical!!

I am registered to run the Rock 'N Roll Half-Marathon in Philadelphia on September 21 and I just registered for a 5K in Doylestown, PA on September 7. Most of my recent running has been indoors on the treadmill but I have ventured outdoors and managed a 9-mile long run a few weeks ago.

Although I am apprehensive, my confidence is growing each week that I will be able to finish the 13.1 mile challenge that I am about to take later in September. I realize that the next half-marathon race that I will run will be a defining moment for me to see how I manage it and how well my recovery goes following the race.

So, wish me luck! I pride myself in being determined and focused. Hopefully, I will be able to stay positive, healthy, and continue to do what I love to stay active - RUN!!

Happy Trails,

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