The 2010 Doylestown Red,White and Blue 5K race was held Memorial Day weekend on Saturday, May 29. This is the largest of the Bucks County 5K races.
It was an overcast, partly sunny, mildly humid morning for a race. Although I fell short of achieving a new PR, I finished 8th in my age group, which is the best placement I've achieved so far in this series! My race time was 25:23 coming in at an 8:10 mile.
One more race to go in this series - the Chalfont 5K Challenge will be in my home town next Saturday on June 5th.
After this series, I will begin training for my next half-marathon which will be in Minneapolis on August 22. It will be nice to visit Minneapolis again - I lived there between 1979 - 1981 when I attended graduate school at the University of Minnesota. Hope to catch up with some old friends who still live there!
Happy Trails!