Central Bucks YMCA 5K Race Results
There are 6 more races in this series. Not sure how many I will compete in. The next race is on Sunday, April 3 in New Hope-Solebury.
Happy Trails Everyone!
Setting what may have seemed to be an impossible goal turned out to be one of my most rewarding life experiences. After almost 3 years of preparation and training, I ran my first full marathon in Philadelphia in November 2011. This blog represents my on-line journal of what has become one of my favorite passions - Running!
There are 6 more races in this series. Not sure how many I will compete in. The next race is on Sunday, April 3 in New Hope-Solebury.
Happy Trails Everyone!
Today I ran and finished the Sarasota Half-Marathon in 2:06:12. Not a new PB for me but considering the condition of my foot and 2 surgeries over the past 6 months, I am pleased with the outcome. Race day started off cool, about 49 degrees but temperatures rose steadily and it turned out to be a beautiful day. The most challenging part of the course was the bridge where we were greeted with a steady head wind. Fortunately, that was in the early part of the race!
All-in-all, the Sarasota Half-Marathon is a great event – well organized and beautiful scenery along the way. I plan to make this one a recurring annual event.
Next up is a 5K race for me next weekend – it's the 2011 kickoff for the Bucks County 5K series. Last year, I ran 6 out of the 7 races in this series. This year, I am planning to run at least 3 of the races in the series.
And then, there's the annual 10-mile Broad Street run in Philadelphia which is on Sunday, May 1 this year!
Happy Trails Everyone!
Tonight I finished up my training with an easy 3.1 mile run. After completing a 10-mile long run on Saturday, I treated myself to a massage on Sunday followed by 3.5 mile runs on both Monday and Tuesday, and a 5-mile run last night. I am ready for the Sarasota Half Marathon on Sunday! Feeling a little sore so I iced my shins and knees after tonight's run. Plan to do plenty of stretching and some walking on Saturday. The weather forecast looks good – temps around 50 degrees at start time (7am) with a high of 75 degrees for the day.
I'll be happy if I finish in less than 2:15:00. My objective is stay focused and finish strong – not planning to set a new PR for this race. That will come later in the season, I hope!