Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Well, here I am 6-weeks following my 2nd foot surgery and I got a good report from my doctor yesterday. The cast is off my foot and I will be in a boot for the next 6 weeks for walking. I can take the boot off when I sleep so that is a wonderful relief! The tendon is attached but very weak so I will be having Physical Therapy twice a week for the next 6 weeks for regaining mobility and developing strength. I know what I have to do and I'm determined to make it happen!

Patience is a big part of the recovery process and I am lucky to have lot's of it. I'm trying to set realistic expectations for my future running plans and it looks like I won't be able to start running again until March, 2011. So, that will give me just a little more than 2 months to train for the 10-mile Broad Street Run in May. It seems a long way off at the moment but it is what I have to look forward to!

In the meantime, I hope to make an appearance at the gym this coming weekend to start upper body strengthening again. I have lost about 10 pounds since all of this started and I need to get things toned up. More fun to come!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Recovery Continues

Just one more week to go in my cast and then Physical Therapy begins. I'll find out more next week about how long my therapy will last but I am assuming it will be about 2 months. It seems like the swelling in my foot is down considerably so I am encouraged that the healing process is progressing along well. I really want to wiggle my toes but want to wait until I see the doctor – don't want to take any chances of jeopardizing my recovery.

I can't tell you how frustrating this whole experience has been for me, especially with all of the beautiful Fall weather we've been having. I want to be outside now but continue to remind myself it won't be too much longer! It's still too early for me to plan my next run. I should have a better idea once my therapy begins and I start seeing progress. There will be the 2011 Broad Street Run in May but I would really like to think that I should be able to run a half-marathon in either March or April.

In the meantime, GO PHILLIES!